Sorry (Ray Imagine)

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'' Well if you like Prod so much , why dont you just date HIM ?! '' Ray screamed.

'' FINE! '' You screamed right back. '' Maybe I will! '' You stormed out , tears streaming down your face. You just got into a fight with Ray, he was mad that you had been spending so much time with Prod.

You wanted to tell him why- it was a birthday surprise . . . If you told him it wouldn't be much of a surprise would it? You hopped into your car driving over to Prods house. He always made you feel better when you and Ray got into fights. It was rare, but it did happen. You knocked on his door, and you buried your face into his shoulder. You let all the sobs escape until it was only hiccups. He rubbed your back until you stopped,

'' Talk to him about it, reassure him you love him okay. '' Prod said. You nodded and gave him another hug. Then you drove home, wiping the last of the tears from your eyes. You unlocked the door, and went up to yours and Ray's room, where he always was after a fight. You stood in the doorway, your mouth opened. He was in bed with another pretty girl. Your heart dropped, he always knew you were very insecure about yourself , tears filled your eyes again and you stood there until he realized you were there. His eyes widened, and you ran out the door.

'' wait! '' He cried out.

You ignored him and ran out to your car. Your car started up, and you sped off until you found a quiet spot to pull over. You hit your head against the dashboard, crying shaking your body. How could Ray do this? You took a deep breath in. You were going to go back to the house and grab your things and leave. You reached the driveway, and you stepped out of the car. You took your keys and stepped into the house.


You found Ray sitting on the stairs, hugging his knees with his face buried in his arms. He was slightly rocking back and forth, hunched over in depression. The floorboard creaked, and Rays head shot up. His eyes were red and swollen, tears stained his face. His hair was a complete tangle, and you almost felt sorry for him. You pushed away your sorrow and stormed up the stairs grabbing your things.

Ray didn't follow.

You went back to the stairs where Ray was still sitting. You walked past him, tears forming in your eyes.

'' YN! wait.'' A tiny voice barely choked out. You spun around and crossed your arms

'' What. '' You said trying to sound firm and angry

'' I.. I didn't mean it. '' Ray said barley getting it out.

'' That's ALL you have to say, Ray! You cheated on me! '' You semi screamed. He stood up and grabbed your wrist as you furiously tried to stomp away.

'' I thought you weren't coming back.'' He squeezed his eyes shut and took a breath. '' I thought it was hopeless, so I tried to use that girl to give my pain away, but it didn't work.'' Tears slipped out of his closed eyes and he swallowed. '' I'm so sorry. '' He whispered and walked over to the couch. He crumbled on to it in defeat, and you walked over to him. Ray looked up , Hope and Sorrow in his eyes. You grabbed his wrist and stood him up, pulling him into a hug.

'' I'm sorry too. '' You mumbled. '' Prod and I were just planning your birthday. ''

He pulled away and looked at you in surprise. He started crying again. '' So I got mad at you and cheated on you because I thought you were cheating on me, when you were really just loving me most? ''

You moved his hands from his face , and gave him a kiss , reassuring him it was okay.

'' It's okay Ray. '' You said softly and he nodded.

He tried to lean in for another kiss but you pushed him away.

'' I'm still a little mad you cheated on me. '' You half smiled. '' You're going to have to earn it back. '' You poked him, and he pulled you in for a hug instead.

You both spent the night watching movies ♥


This was for my Ray RAY lovers I hope you liked it. this was for me keeping y'all hanging I love you guys lol.

- Tammy

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