Gone: Part 4 (Prod Imagine)

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I woke up the next day with a huge headache. I turned over to find only Christian next to me. I was just hoping that what happened was all a nightmare, but it wasn't.

I sat up, getting out of my bed. I pulled the cover over Christian and made my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot red from crying myself to sleep last night, and I looked miserable. My job called in and said that I didn't have to come into work until I felt better so I was okay for about a week. The same thing with Christian's daycare.

I turned the knob on the sink, cupping my hands underneath the faucet. I slowly brought my face to my hands, feeling the cold water run down my warm face. Maybe I needed to go somewhere.. get out.

I walked back into my room, walking over to my bed. "Christian." I said, sternly. His little arms moved, when he heard my voice. "Christian, get up." I said. He opened his eyes, sitting up on the bed. He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"You wanna go to the park?" I asked. He nodded. He slid down onto the floor, still rubbing his eyes. I followed him into his bedroom, heading to his closet. He looked so drained and confused. It broke my heart to see him like this. I picked out an outfit for him, struggling to get him dressed. Usually YN did this so I was like a fish out of water.

I couldn't get his arms in his shirt and his shoes were hard to get on since his feet were so little and the whole time I was nervous, thinking that I was going to hurt him.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

After I got dressed, we drove to the park next to the beach. I sat down on a bench while Christian played with other kids. My phone started ringing.


"Wassup Prod." Roc said.

"Nothing. I'm at the park with Chris." I said, looking up at the playground, spotting Christian going down a slide.

"How you holding up, man?" He asked.

"Just going through one day at a time, man. That's all I can do." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah. It's crazy how all of this happened. But I'll pray for you." He said.

"Thanks Roc." I said.

"No problem. You my bro." He said.

I sighed, "Yeah.."

"Oh and Ray told me what about what you're planning to do. I'm down with it.." He said.

My eyes looked all around the area. People were all over the place. A couple walking. A few people jogging, kids playing, dogs barking. Everything was still normal for everyone else but me.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a voice call out. I looked up at a girl who had been jogging. "Go ahead."

"Aye man. Who's that?" Roc asked through the phone.

I glanced over at her, sitting up right on the bench. "Nobody."

"You were cheating on YN?" He asked. I scrunched up my face. "No. I wasn't cheating. Why would I cheat on her? You know me better than that, Chres."

The girl glanced over at me, then started drinking from her water bottle.

"My bad! Dang. No need to go all angry on me! I'm just asking." Chres said.

"Ima hit you up later, okay?" I asked.

"Yeah bro. Prince said he gone call you later on." Roc said.

"Aight." I said, hanging up, shoving the phone is my pocket. Christian ran up to me and held on to my knees. "Daddy, guess what!" He yelled.

"What, Chris?" I asked.

"I did a flip! I did a flip!" He cheered, jumping up and down causing the girl next to me to giggle.

"Good job, little man." I said, rubbing his head as he giggled. At least he was happy.

"Go get your jacket." I said as he ran back to the playground.

"He looks just like you." The girl said. I looked over at her and smiled a little. Wow, that's a first. "Yeah, everybody calls him my little twin."

She smiled, "How old is he?" She asked. "He's four." I said.

"Well, he's an adorable little four year old." She smiled. "Thank you." I said.

Christian came running back with his jean jacket. I helped him get it on and stood up. "It was nice talking to you."

"You too."

Christian and I walked back to the car. I put him in his car seat, buckling him in. I made my way to the front seat of my car when I saw a car that blasted through my memory. The black car.. tinted windows.. loud music.. black rims.. That was it. That was the car!

I jumped in the front seat, pulling out of the parking space, nearly running down by standers. I caught up with the car at a stop light. I dug for my phone, calling Ray.

"Wassup Prod." He said.

"Get a pencil and paper. NOW!" I said. I heard him scrambling around then moments later he came back to the phone.

"Aight. I got it." He said.

The light turned green and the car turned. I turned slowly, easing behind it. I needed the license plate.

"Write this down. C2ash36n." I said.

"I got it but what is this?" He asked. "The license plate number off the car. Give it to Prince." I said.

"How'd you get it?" He asked.

"Rayan! Fuck all the questions, just give it to him." I yelled.

"Aight, damn man." He said.

I turned around, making my way to Roc's house. "Tell Prince to meet me at Roc's house. Tell him to bring his cop car and you meet us there too." I said.

"Aight man." He said.

Tonight was the night.


Part 5? 5+ votes!

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- McKenzie.

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