Fighter: Part 4 | Roc Imagine.

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Chresanto . . .

I had been spending most of my time in the hospital with my family. Chemo and treatment went as planned but CJ wasn't feeling any better. The doctor told us to keep faith and wait it out. I know right... Wait for something like this? I cancelled my most recent matches just so I could be there like I was supposed to. (Your name) saw a change in me.

"So how tall do you think you're gonna get?" Romelo asked CJ as he sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

"6 feet!" CJ exclaimed.

"Dad is barely 6 feet." Romelo laughed.

"Aye stop hating." I laughed as I flipped through the channels. They both laughed.

(Your name) came through the door with a armful of food. "Who's hungry?"

Romelo hopped from the bed and walked up to his mother. He grabbed his and CJ's food, walking it back over to the bed. (Your name) sat next to me and handed me my drink.

"Thank you (your name)." I smiled.

"You're welcome." She said softly.

(Your name) and I had been on good terms since treatment and I promised her that I would be there for my family. I was persistent in getting my family back because they are what mattered to me the most. I didn't want to have anything else other than them.

(Your name)'s phone started to ring. She looked at the caller ID but silenced it without saying a word.

"Who was that?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Nobody."

"'Nobody' can't make a phone call." I said with a little aggravation in my voice.

(Your name) looked at the kids, uncomfortably and then back at me. "It's not important, Chres. I said it was no one."

"You wanted us to be honest with each other... I've been here for all of us. I want to be here for all of us. You act like you can't tell me the truth about this one little thing." I said furrowing my eyebrows with anger.

"Chres... Let it go. Please." She said.

"Daddy..." CJ called as he looked over at his upset parents.

"Fine..." I said to her. "We'll talk about it later."

She sighed, "Chres--"

I stood up before she could finish and walked over to my son. He had ate most of his food, but he had a look of discomfort on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My stomach hurts... Bad." He whispered.

I turned to (your name), "Can you call the nurse?"

She stood up and went to the door to go get the nurse. CJ held a firm hand over his stomach while he looked up at me.

"Is this my cancer again Dad?" He asked with disappointment in his voice. He wasn't a little kid anymore. He knew exactly when his body was rejecting the treatment.

I just hope it's not worse from last time.

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This is short. I'll be posting more often! I want to get back to doing what keeps me sane. Thanks for everyone who has read, liked, and voted for my stories. They wouldn't be what they are without you all.



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