Teacher's Pet (Roc Imagine)

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You walked up to Roc's house, knocking on the door excitedly. Roc had texted you earlier, telling you to come over after school so you guys could spend some time together. You missed hanging out with him, so you were excited.

After standing there, waiting for Roc you decided to use the spare key under the mat. You unlocked the door, walking into his warm house.

"Roc?" You called out. You walked in the kitchen, searching for your boyfriend but he was nowhere to be found.

You walked back into the living room, hearing faint noises coming from upstairs. You thought your ears were mistaken but you could of swore you heard moans.

You approached the stairs, two at a time, the moaning became louder. At this point, your blood was boiling. You didn't want to believe Roc was cheating on you but from the noises you were hearing, your brain told you otherwise.

You pushed his bedroom door open, finding Roc and your gym teacher, Ms. Haven in his bed together.

"What the hell!" You yelled, causing Roc to jump up from his position on top of your gym teacher.

"Baby? B-baby, what are you doing here?" He asked, while Ms. Haven silently picked up her clothes, her eyes widened from fear.

"You're messing around with Ms. Haven?! Chres, you're sick!" You yelled.

He slipped on his boxers, chasing after you as you took off for Ms. Haven. You almost grabbed her until Roc came behind you, grabbing your waist, stopping you.

"You're sick! You dirty old bitch!" You yelled at the top of your lungs as your struggled to free yourself from Roc's firm grip.

Ms. Haven grabbed her things, running out the room. You elbowed Roc in his chest, making him release you. You turned around, slapping the taste out of his mouth.

"Fuck you! You no good, cheating ass, light skinned ass, dirty ass bastard! I'm done!" You yelled, storming out of his house.

The next few weeks consisted of Roc calling you non stop, apologizing for what he had done. Ms. Haven quit her job at your school, knowing that if she didn't there would be further consequences.

You weren't worried about any of that, simply because you had a new guy you were interested in and he definitely wasn't a teacher's pet ;)

- McKenzie.

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