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Song - Blood // Water by grandson

*Violet's POV*

Billie went to get take out hours ago... I was hungry and now I'm hangry. "Where did she say she was getting takeout from again?"

"That Thai place just off of main, why?" Cat asks plopping down on the couch next to me.

"It doesn't take two hours to get there and back, twenty minute if traffic is bad, but not two hours." I sit there puzzled.

As I'm thinking, my phone buzzes against my leg. "Hello?"

"You have a collect call from 'Billie' at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility, do you wish to accept the call charges?"

You've got to be kidding me. "Yes." I sigh out pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Violet I-..."

"This better be good."

"I ran into Mike, and I may or may not have bruised the fuck outta my hand while punching his face." I can hear the pride through the phone.

"You didn't need to do that Billie, I'm pressing charges against him but now I have a feeling he's going to run his fucking mouth. FUCK! WHY CAN'T YOU THINK BEFORE YOU DO SHIT?!" I shout, fuming with rage.

"I-... I'm sorry. He hurt you and it made me furious to see that smug grin on his face. So excuse me for loosing my cool over a man who raped my girlfriend. You seem to be the only one who doesn't think that this is a big deal Violet."

"Because I don't need the entirety of L.A. knowing what's been in my vagina. But please Billie, make sure everyone knows. While you're at it make sure everyone knows I was yours first. Jeez... why the FUCK are you so possessive?" I groan out, pacing the living room floor.

"Just put Cat on the phone..."

I let out a sigh and hold my phone out for Cat. I only hear half of the conversation. Something along the lines of getting her car and a wire transfer to bail her out. A few moments later Cat hands the phone back to me.

"I've got a few errands to run, I'll bring back food yeah?"

"That's fine."

She grabs her jacket and leaves me to my own thoughts. Maybe I was a little hard on Billie... ok fine, I was really hard on her. It's sweet that she thought she was protecting me but dammit, now I have to let my lawyer know she's jeopardized everything.

I just feel so fucking stupid right now. Stupid for yelling at her, stupid for thinking I deserved anything good, stupid for falling in love. I let out a sigh as I curl up into a ball, wanting to sink further into the couch and just not exist anymore.


I wake up to Cat sitting on the edge of the couch, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What the fuck..." I look around confused for a second. I don't remember falling asleep.

"It's just me. Here." She says handing me my order of yellow curry. I take it and she gets comfy on the other side of the couch with her takeout. "Wait, where's Billie?"

She cuts her eyes over quickly and then back to the tv. "I told you, it's just me."

"What do you mean it's just you?" My brows furrowed in anger.

"V, she told me to take her to the airport, something about her manager being upset. She told me to pick up takeout and make sure that you were ok and that she'd call when she landed in Richmond." She explains in between bites of food.

I'm not even hungry anymore... I get up and put my food in the fridge, maybe I'll have an appetite later. I lean against the counter.

-I'm sorry for getting so upset... I felt pushed and I was a little hangry-

I hit send and slide my phone in my pocket knowing she won't answer anytime soon.


*Billie's POV*

"Hey, I'm landing in Richmond a couple days early. Vi kinda blew up on me so, I'm giving her some space. You free?"

"Yeah, I'm at the club lounge at the Omni hotel, first round of drinks is on me, see you soon."

I board the 5:30 plane to Richmond, feeling slightly guilty for not giving her an explanation. She's in good hands though right?

a/n: this ones a lil short 😬 sorry bubs. I love all you bubbies 💕 did you eat today? did you drink enough water? do you need a hug?

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