Separation Anxiety

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Song - True by Markvard

Here's the thing, I like being alone from time to time. I don't like feeling lonely. First day of spring semester is also the first day of Billie's tour and I'm already feeling the separation anxiety going from spending everyday with her at rehearsals to being around masses of people I don't know. Aside from Cat, that is.

"Yo, Adams! Please tell me you're suffering through Dr. G's US History course with me!" I hear Cat's voice from behind.

"You bet I am. Stupid mandatory credits for shit I have zero interest in." I say as I turn on my heel to walk backwards until she catches up.

"Girl, felt that. Sooo, how was break?" She nudges my shoulder.

I smile, reminiscing over the time I spent with Billie, regardless of whether it was at my parents or not. "It was good, I definitely needed the break. What about you?" I say nudging her back.

"It was good, very um... how should I phrase this... cultured." She says with a light blush tinting her cheeks.

"I-... hold up. You met someone didn't you? Oh now you've gotta tell me!" I whisper shout as we enter the classroom.

"Go to lunch with me and I'll tell you all about him." She propositions and I willingly accept.

We take our seats and I pull out my notebook which I have zero intentions of actually using to take notes. I doodle a bit while listening to Dr. G go over the syllabus and his expectations for class. I get lost in drawing for a moment and then Cat smacks my thigh.

"What?" I ask looking up.

"Miss Adams, how nice to have your undivided attention again." The professor calls me out.

"Sorry sir. It won't happen again." I apologize, embarrassed for being called out. I deserved that though.

Cat leans over to whisper to me. "There's a project due at the end of the semester, a paired project and I'm not letting you or me get stuck with someone who doesn't do anything."

"I mean, I'd hope you wouldn't." I mutter back.

I hear chatter and movement around me. I look up to see everyone packing up, finally. I shove my notebook in my bag as Cat goes up front to put both of our names down for the project. I sling my bag over my shoulder and we chatter on our way to the next class.


"Ok so, tell me about this guy you met!" I ask Cat, curious as to how her break went.

"Ah, so I think I told you I was taking a week to travel? Well, I ended up in Rio and had a glass of tall dark and handsome. Vi... I swear this man was everything I didn't know I needed." She gushes.

I can't help but giggle a bit because that's how I feel about Billie. Her fierce, magnetic personality swept me off of my feet. Then I remember, she's not going to be home when I leave campus. I don't want to be alone.

I cut Cat off. "Sorry, I uh. Do you wanna come over, have a girls night, maybe tomorrow?" I ask out of the blue.

Little did I know that was going to be mistake number one out of many.

She gives me an excited yes, practically jumping out of her seat to hug me. I mean, she and I used to hang out a lot during freshman and sophomore year, I'm not really sure why we stopped.

After grabbing a bite to eat, I check my schedule and see that I have the rest of the day to myself. I decide to go home, a wave of happiness washes over me as I climb into Billie's car and driving off campus.

The moment I step into the house, I hate it. It's too quiet, too empty, too lonely.

That is, until my phone vibrates in my pocket.

-hey baby, just checking on you-
-I miss you-

-fuck I miss you too-
-the house is too quiet without you here-

-mmm I bet it is-
-I miss bothering you all the time, seeing you out in the pit just listening to us rehearse-
-next tour, you're coming, no questions asked-

-I miss your voice-
-I miss your perfume-
-I miss your touch-

-do you wanna facetime a little later baby?-
-I have a spare bottle of my favorite perfume on the top shelf in my closet-

-can we please?-
-not gonna lie, I'm gonna spray it on a pillow just so I can sleep-

-maybe we can do something about the touch thing too 😉-

-oh? Do elaborate please... ma'am-

-call me in an hour and find out love-

This woman frustrates the shit out of me, being able to tease me without even being remotely close to me, but I love her. I love all of her.

a/n: this will be my last update for a little while bubbies. I have things that need my attention and care right now. Don't worry, I'm not done with this book, not even close. Just give me a little patience.

Also on another note, thank you for all the birthday wishes. I love all you bubbies so much 💕

Take care of yourselves, be safe, and tell your family that you love them.

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