The Floor Is...

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Song - Change by NF

Heh, that tickles a little bit.

I can feel Violet's fingers trailing across my side and down my spine before wrapping her arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my shoulder. I absentmindedly move my hand over hers and she laces her fingers with mine, occasionally brushing her thumb across my stomach.

She's teasing me.

I like when she teases me, but I don't dare tell her that.

I shift my weight and roll over to face her, finally opening my eyes to see the beautiful woman before me. The way the sunlight from the window hits her skin, the way her eyes look when she's just woken up, her cute nose scrunch she does when I kiss the tip of it, the way she blushes when I say something crass even though she expects nothing less from me, and the curve of her body beneath my bedsheets. I love the way she looks in my bed.

"Mmm what's going through that head of yours O'Connell?" She says with a slight smirk.

I grab behind her knee and pull her leg so she's straddling me. "Currently, you. You have this natural elegance about you... like the way you carry yourself, your countenance has changed since I've known you." I spill. I see her brows furrow and she bites the inside of her cheek. She sits back on my lap and crosses her arms over her body. It's like she's trying to make herself smaller.

"Violet, baby what's wrong? I meant that as a compliment." I explain running my hands along her thighs, trying to comfort her.

"I-I don't know. I just- my mood went from being okay, to just not." She says leaning over and laying her head on my chest.

"I-okay." I stammer out, wrapping my arms around her. "How can I help?"

Before she can answer, her alarm goes off. Violet scrambles off of me and grabs her phone and her bag, rushing to the bathroom. What's gotten into her today? I take a deep breath and let out a sigh, running my hand down my face. I hear a loud 'fuck' come from the bathroom. Moments later Violet emerges, in her vibrant yellow hoodie with the radio stations logo on it.

That's what the alarm was for.

She throws her hair up in a messy bun, securing it with a hair tie. I shrug on a hoodie of my own and pull on a pair of shorts. I grab my keys and phone off of the nightstand.

She must have heard the jangling of my keys. "Sorry I'll be out of your hair in a minute, I don't mean to keep you from your plans today." She says while slipping her shoes on, not paying attention.

"Violet." I say, trying to get her attention.

"Violet." I repeat myself, she's checked out.

"Violet!" I shout, finally getting her undivided attention.

Her body jolts at hearing her name so loudly, when her eyes meet mine their present but vacant at the same time.

I kneel in front of her. "Babygirl, I didn't have any plans today. It's my day off, and I was gonna spend it with you regardless. My dumbass didn't realize you had work today, and I'm not about to let you walk or catch a bus to get there. I'll drive you, and we can pick up breakfast on the way. Is that ok?" I ask her in a much softer tone.

She gives me a small nod and says, "I'm ready whenever you are."

I gently cup her face and kiss her. She tugs on my hoodie, pulling me closer and wraps her legs around my waist. She teases my top lip with the tip of her tongue, and I let out a frustrated groan.

Don't get distracted Billie.

I wrap my arms around the backs of her thighs and pick her cute ass up. "Baby, as much as I'd love to fuck you for hours on end first thing in the morning, you have work." I explain, and her expression saddens again.

Somethings on her mind, but I'm not going to push it. She'll talk when she's ready. I've been known to push too hard and it's nearly ruined relationships.

Correction, it did ruin one.

I brush the thought aside and give Violet a small forehead kiss. "Lets get your cute ass some breakfast and get you to work." I say giving her a smile, and she returns a half hearted one.

A few breakfast burritos and a massive iced coffee later, I'm clenching. Just two more stop lights until we're at the radio station. I'm gripping the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles have turned white. Fuck, why is it so hot in this car.

"Billie, are you ok?"

"Mhmm I'm fine."

"I-... why are you sweating? And why are you driving like your life depends on it?"

I let out a groan in congruence with my aching stomach. "It's because the interior of my car depends on it. Those breakfast burritos- are not- agreeing with me." I say taking a breath here and there, trying to keep my cool. "I should not have had that huge coffee."

Violet snickers a bit, holding her hand over her mouth. "Aha, um well, the bathrooms are the third door on the left at the station." She says, half chuckling at my pain.


I pull into the lot, not bothering to wait on Violet, I make a mad dash inside.

Server room. Nope keep clenching.
Janitors closet. Clench harder.
Bathroom. So fucking close.

I shove the door open and rush into the stall.

One word.


a/n: this ch definitely took an unexpected turn. I felt like it needed some comedic relief. Not my best work... but do I care? Also no.

What's a guilty pleasure you have? Something you're embarrassed to like, but do anyways.

I love you bubbies! 💕🥰💕

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