Notch In The Bedpost

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"Miss Adams can you please tell me what Systematic Desensitization is?" Billie calls me out during class.

"Nope." I snap back before laying my head down on the desk.

"My office after class." she says before continuing on with her lecture. I don't even bother verbally responding. Instead, I hold up my hand and flip her off. She's calling me out on purpose because I walked out on her yesterday.

Once class is over, the dread sets in and I slowly make my way to Billie's office. She doesn't look up from her laptop when I come in, so I take a seat.

"Did I say you could sit Violet?" she asks with an unenthused tone.

"I- no. I just assumed that-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Stop. Stop assuming, that's what's getting you into trouble." she says pinching the bridge of her nose. "May I ask why you just bailed on me yesterday?" her voice calm but her eyes full of something else, I can't quite put my finger on it.

I bite my lip out of nervousness. "I left because I didn't want you to pity me." I confess, trying to remain vague.

Billie furrows her brow and props her chin against the palm of her hand, her fingers brushing against her lower lip. "Why would I pity you Violet?"

"I didn't want you to see me emotional over whatever this is... or rather, isn't." I tell her, gesturing to the space between us.

"And what do you think this is Violet. I'm curious to know your thoughts." she presses me, her tone serious.

"Honestly, a one time heated sensual fling."

Her expression drops slightly and then changes. "Do you think I'd risk my job for some fling Violet? Do you think I just randomly invite students out to dinner, and then take them home to fuck?" she grits through her teeth.

"Well, yeah. You have this commanding presence, and I honestly didn't want to be just some notch on your bedpost." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wow, tell me what you really think of me..." she says leaning back in her chair. "I told you this the other night Violet... I like you. More than I should if we're being honest, and that scares the shit out of me. You make me feel... like I can be myself with you. Which is a rare thing, because I don't show certain aspects of my personality to just anyone. It's a little off putting to say the least."

"What aspect would that be?" I ask her.

"My dominant side." she says in a low voice with that cocky, sexy smirk on her face.

Her response shook me to my core. Making me nervous and excited all at the same time. She knew the effect she had on me, and I didn't want to fight it but part of me didn't want to let go of what little control I had left.

She rolls her eyes obviously annoyed. "Babygirl you've got to stop biting that lip." she groans out, running her fingers through her hair.

"I- sorry..." I say, haphazardly biting my lip again.

She sighs once more and closes her eyes to regain her composure. She grabs a post it note and scribbles something down on it before handing it to me. "Text me when you're done with your homework tonight."

I take the piece of paper and give her a small nod.

"Words baby."

I bite my lip again before responding. "I will text you when I'm done with my homework Billie."

Some part of me likes the way she silently demands respect. Even more so when she verbally does. I turn to leave her office and she speaks up.

"And Violet?"


She makes her way around her desk and whispers in my ear. "I like you... a lot."

I swear my heart skipped a beat when I heard that and I know she heard my breath hitch. She has a knack for leaving me speechless, this being one of many instances.


I've spent the better part of an hour chewing on the end of my pen trying to get this last question of this weeks workbook finished but my brain knows that once I'm done I'm going to text Billie. Which ultimately has me distracted from finishing the problem.

Fuck it.


-homework all done?-

-hhhhh almost...-

-I said to text me after finishing your homework, not while you're doing it.-
-get it done and then I'm all yours babygirl-

I blush, setting my phone on my desk. I need to get this problem done! I force myself to focus and write out some semblance of a respectable answer before closing the textbook and shoving my papers in my bag.

-all done-

-good girl-
-since it's not terribly late, would you like to come over? maybe do a little 'exploring'?-

If she's inferring what I think she is with the term exploring, it's a hell yes from me.

-yes please-

-I'll be there in a few, be sure and pack a bag. I'm not planning on bringing you back tonight.-




a/n: it took me a hot minute to get this ch done, had to rework part of it because I wasn't happy with it. I also had coffee this morning, so I'm hyper affffffff.

What's a bad habit that you have?

Ayeeee love you bubbies 💕

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