Never Enough

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*Billie's POV*

As I sit in my office grading a few assignments, my thoughts periodically wander to the events of the other night. I've barely been able to stay on topic during lectures today and the next class is Violet's... fuck me.

I gather the materials I need and head to the classroom. My favorite person, already there. Violet doesn't hear me come in and is in her usual back of the class, window seat just staring out and observing the world beyond the glass. I simply admire her for a moment before the chatter of students entering the room break my attention. After a few minutes the alarm on my watch goes off, letting me know it's time to start.

"Alright, who can tell me what satiation is?" I call out. A few students raise their hands, but I see that douchebag Kyle is doing everything to not draw attention to himself, which lets me know he's unprepared. "Kyle, would you please tell me what satiation is." I press him.

"Uh, I- I don't know..." he stammers out.

"Guess then." I tell him, giving him a stern glare, my arms crossed over my chest.

He takes a breath and sighs before answering. "A sense of being full..?"

"Are you asking me or telling me that's what it is?" I ask with a raised brow.


I let out a light chuff and continue. "Two things... one, always be confident, even if you have to fake it. No ones going to be able to tell the difference. Two, you're kind of right. How many of you have written or said something over and over to the point where those words have lost their meaning, or they look foreign after awhile?"

I see a few hands go up around the room.

"That's known as semantic satiation. How many of you have like something so much that you couldn't get enough of it?" I question and more hands raise this time.

"Ok good. The concept of satiation in behavior modification is a little different but it's built around the same principles. It's allowing someone to do the negative behavior for so long until they no longer have a desire to do so." I say and I see that Violet has her hand raised. I don't know why, but having to address her in front of a class makes me nervous and I'm not sure as to why. I clear my throat before speaking again. "Question Miss Adams?"

"Yes. Does that have negative repercussions in certain situations, like those that are dependent on substance abuse?" she asks.

I raise my eyebrow and fight a smile that I almost can't hold back. It's on this moment, that I feel an overwhelming sense of pride for this woman.

"It can be, especially for those that are drug users or those that consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Reaching past the point of satiety means that there's an excess. In substance abuse cases having an excess usually results in overdosing, which can, not always, lead to death." I explain, answering her question the best that I can.

The rest of lecture I find myself stealing glances in her direction. The alarm on my watch goes off once more and I let out a pained sigh, elated that class is finally over. I don't know how I'm going to deal with the rest of the semester, standing up at the front of the room, secretly wishing I'd have violet bent over her desk doing a number of dirty things to her. I hadn't noticed I was zoned out, leaning against the wall.

I feel an elbow nudge me. "You've got a little drool there Bil." Violet says jokingly gesturing to her own lip, mocking me.

I roll my eyes and gather my things, subtly wiping my lip and seeing that I really had been drooling. Well that's embarrassing. I lazily make my way to my office, fully aware that Violet is following me.

"Can I help you Miss Adams?" I ask her without turning around.

"Hmm, why so formal?" she asks with a playful tone.

"Close the door please." I tell her and I not only hear the door close, but I also hear the lock engage.

My breathing hitches and I feel my heart start to pound in my chest. I turn around and Violet is standing closer than I was expecting. I feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"Am I making you nervous Billie?" she questions me, a smirk tugging on her lips.

Even though I'm nervous as hell, my expression remains unphased. "Not at all babygirl... do I make you nervous?" I ask, taking a step towards her gripping her hip harshly. Her eyes flick to my lips momentarily, and she lets out a small whimper.

"Yes." she admits reluctantly, but then quickly regains her composure. That's a new one... "So, I noticed you were a little distracted teaching today, what was on your mind?"

Fuck. I really don't wanna answer that, but I don't wanna lie to her either.

"Do you want the truth?"


I see Violet bite her lip and I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out because right now, all I want is the taste that her lips allow.

a/n: can anyone guess what song inspired this ch?

Lub you bubbies 💕

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