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Song - To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

*Violet's POV*

I drop my bags at the foot of Billie's bed and face plant into the soft comforter. "It feels so good to be out of that house and back in yours." I groan out.

I hear the thud of Billie's bag hitting the floor and feel the bed dip beside me. "No kidding. I don't think your mom likes me."

"I don't like my mom for how she talked to you. Like her actions were gracious and accepting but the shit that came out of her mouth was degrading... but my dad seemed to like you." I say, absentmindedly reaching for Billie and pulling her closer.

I've missed the constant intimacy with her and not being able to touch or kiss her when I wanted to was driving me mad. She slides her leg in between mine and we just lay there in blissful silence just enjoying being close to one another.

"Rehearsals start tomorrow morning, since you're still on break for one more week, do you wanna come with me?" She asks quietly, it's as almost if she's begging me.

How can I say no to that? "Can I go in pajamas?" I ask very seriously.

Billie busts out laughing. "I mean, if you want to I'm not going to stop you babygirl."


Rehearsal Day 1 - 9:13 am

"Oooo I'm liking how the hoodies turned out, fucking fire. I think people are gonna love this. Vi what do you think babe?" She asks as she tosses me the hoodie.

I look over it, admiring her creativity. "It's phenomenal! I'm soo stealing this."

"That ones yours, can't have my baby getting cold." She says with a wink.

I-... it's mine. I slip it on and I'm basically swimming in it. I feel like a kid again. I hadn't realized I was giggling flailing my arms a bit until I felt Billie's arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"You're so adorable baby. Hey, so Finn and I have to head to the staples center to set up and do a dry run. Would you be my audience?" She asks sweetly.

"I'd love to." I say turning to give her a kiss on the cheek.

All while Billie is setting up and doing a sound check, seeing her like this, she's happy. Not that she wasn't happy teaching and challenging us every step of the way. But, something about seeing her free and creatively open, sparked a new joy in her that I'm humble that I get to witness. I hadn't realized all the work that she's been putting into this on top of her teaching. It's just, astounding.

I hate that I have to go back to school next week, I wish I could be there for her every step of the way, supporting her... but I can't. I can spend all the time with her that I've got though. I sit in the middle of the coliseum surrounded by her voice, cuddled up in my hoodie with her beautiful face on it. She's home to me.

Her voice snaps me from my trance. "Hey, how did that sound?" She asks practically voicing up and down.

I cup my hands around my mouth and give a loud shout. "Sounded great!"

A full set list later and we're on our way home. On the drive back, Billie asks something I wasn't quite expecting.

"Vi, do you wanna move in with me? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just figured you've been staying with me for this long, why not make it permanent." She asks, clearly nervous, but I find it endearing.

"Hmm, do I get any perks if I move in? Oh and what about rent, I don't exactly have much cash on hand right now, but I can pay in other favors..." I tease back, trying to alleviate her nerves.

"Oh? I mean with that kind of arrangement, the whole house is yours baby." She probes, raising a brow.

"I was kidding! Of course I'll move in, although it's not like I have a whole lot of stuff to move." I clarify.

"I know, I was just giving you shit. But seriously, the whole house is yours too babe. Do with it what you will." She says taking my hand into her and placing a kiss on each knuckle.

My heart flutters in my chest. This is a big step for me, for us. One more week until classes resume on campus. One more week until Billie goes on her first tour.

Then I'll be at home, alone.



a/n: jk it's triple birthday update because I love you bubbies and I felt inspired 💕

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