The Edges

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Song - Habits of My Heart by Jaymes Young

*Violet's POV*

What best describes disruptive selection?
A. Distribution of median genetic traits.
B. Distribution of larger genetic traits
C. Distribution of both extreme genetic traits
D. Distribution of smaller genetic traits

Ok, think Vi... I sketch out a quick graph. If nature selects for median traits it's stabilizing selection. If nature selects for either larger or smaller traits, it's directional selection. But, if it selects for both larger and smaller traits, leaving out the middle, it's disrupting the curve. So, C has to be disruptive selection.

I bounce my leg up and down as I fill in the last bubble on the scantron sheet for my ecology final, my last test of finals week. I take a deep breath and double check my answers really quick. I turn in my test and grab my bag on the way out.

Once I'm outside, I lean up against the brick wall and just breathe. It's cold enough for me to see my breath, but I'm so glad that's over with and I get to go home for a bit. I bite my lip momentarily, excited over the fact Billie is coming with me.

"Yo! Adams, you good?" Cats voice rings through the crisp air.

I smile. "Yeah I'm good, glad that finals are over! What are you doing for break?" I ask her, as we both start walking towards the dorms.

"I'm taking a week to go to Puerto Vallarta, and then I'm going home to Colorado for the rest of break. I told my mom break started next week so I can have some time to myself." Cat says rolling her eyes.

"Please tell me you're going to be safe? I don't wanna have to worry that you're gonna die on vacation and I'll be stuck with a shitty roommate." I say half-joking, but kinda serious.

"If it makes you feel better I'll send daily updates,  only if you promise to do the same. And for the love of everything that is good, have a fucking drink Vi!" She shouts out.

I shove her lightly. "Ok fine, I'll have at least one drink." I say with a small smile.

She nudges me back. "You better Vi, you deserve to let loose and enjoy yourself." She says as we reach our dorm. Her words bounce back and forth in my head. 'I deserve to enjoy myself.'

I smile at the realization that maybe I do deserve nice things. "You not coming in?" Cats voice snaps me from my inner thoughts.

"Nah I'm catching a ride to the airport, don't worry I'll send tons of pics." I say with a wink as I turn on my heel.

As I do, Billie pulls up. "Hey mamas, you need a ride?" She asks playfully giving me a wink.

I give Billie a stern look and open the car door. "You are NOT retired from teaching just yet. You still have finals to grade. But, yes I do need a ride, and you also need a ticket goofball." I say as I climb into her car.

"Eh the testing center just emails me the scantron results and I just plug it into the grade book online. Right now, I just care about spending the break with my girl." She says with a goofy grin and her eyes sparkling with happiness.

This is the first time I've seen them do that, and it makes me feel things... "I love you Billie." I blurt out.

"I- what?"

"I love you... no. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you. I'm in love with the way you snuggle with me when I'm cold. I'm in love with how thoughtful you are. I'm in love with your goofiness. I'm in love with the way you look at me, especially right now. I'm in love with your happiness and the happiness I feel when I'm with you." I confess, my heart beating a million miles an hour in my chest.

"You already know I'm hella in love with your cute ass." She says before taking my hand in hers and kissing each knuckle.


"Baby that's the third rum and coke you've had on this flight, are you okay?" Billie asks.

"I'm more than okay, just taking the edge off. I was a little nervous for you to meet my parents, my brother on the other hand is gonna love you." I confess, not realizing I'm slurring my words.

Billie snickers at me. "Baby, you're talking in cursive right now... besides, I don't think there's an edge left to take off."

As the flight attendant walks by I raise my hand. "Ma'am could I get a-"

"No! Nope she doesn't need another drink, sorry for bothering you!" Billie says yanking my hand down.

I pout a little. "But I didn't want another drink... I wanted a cookie."

"I will buy you all the cookies you want when we land to make it up to you. Just look out the window and look at the tiny ass buildings below." She bargains.

"How long until we land?"

She checks the time. "Maybe twenty minutes?"

I'm feeling... frisky. I lean over to whisper in her ear. "That's not the only cookie I want."

Billie smacks her hand over my mouth and I see the man across the aisle choke on his drink. Maybe I wasn't as soft spoken as I thought I was. Her cheeks flush red and she glares at me. She's frustrated, but not just with me.

"Like I said babygirl... behave, and I'll make it up to you with interest." She rasps lowly.

If I wasn't already bothered, I certainly am now. She's hot when she's frustrated and telling me to behave. Part of me wants to disobey just to see how far I can push her.

I lightly trail my fingers along the fabric of her pants, before I can tease her she's already five steps ahead of me, lacing her fingers with mine. She gives them a light squeeze.

I sigh and look out the window and watch buildings pass underneath of us. The next thing I know we're landing in Charlotte with bags in hand, riding the escalator down to the lobby. I spot my brother leaned up against a pillar, waiting. I hand Billie my bag momentarily and surprise tackle my brother to the ground.

"Jeez Vi, are you trying to kill me?" He groans out as he gets up, brushing himself off.

"Maybe." I say giving him a punch in the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah," he starts but then his gaze shifts to something behind me. "So, you must be Billie..."

a/n: do you ever have moments where you're inexplicably happy? I'm having one of those moments and I'm savoring every second of it. Like I'm happy around certain people, but right now I'm alone, just happy. I forreal with I could hug each and everyone of you until you can feel the joy that I do.

So in respect to that, what's something that makes you happy? What's something that brings you indescribable joy?

I love you bubbies 💕

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