Or Is It Just Beginning?

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*Violet's POV*

"So you mean to tell me that your schools newspaper printed the rumor and now it blowing up?"

"Yeah Drew, they did. Please tell me mom and dad haven't seen it?" I ask him.

"All hell hasn't broken loose, so I think you're in the clear. Just lay low and get your school work done, can't have extra shit affecting your ability to graduate. I'm proud of you V." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah yeah... I should be home for spring break. Good news though, Billie has a show in Charlotte that week and guess who gets to go, you and me!" I say practically bursting with excitement.

"Sounds like fun. I've gotta get back to work, but I'll see you in a couple weeks yeah?"

I can hear the sadness in his voice. "Yeah, you will. Hey Drew?"


"I love you."

There's a momentary silence. "I love you too V."

Then the line goes dead. I shove my phone into my bag and head to the micro lab to work on my project. Last semester was a lot more interesting, but maybe that's because Billie was teaching then, and I actually had something to look forward to nearly everyday. Now... now, I just look forward to the end of the day.

I grab my plates and isolate one of the bacteria colonies and put it into a nutrient broth, doing the same thing for the other colony. I place the tubes into the incubator to replicate for the next 24 hours. Tomorrow I'll stain it and observe.

Tonight, I need a drink.


I lay on my bed, my laptop open watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, and half a bottle of wine left to go. The dorm door opens and Cat drops her bag on the floor before crawling in bed next to me and joining the wine party.

"You've got some catching up to do." I snicker.

"Yeah yeah, oooo is this the plane crash episode? Vi... why are we watching sad shit right now?" She complains before taking a couple of swigs from the bottle.

"It was either this or rewatching Stranger Things..." I reason with her.

"I-... fine I'll watch Lexi and McSteamy die with you." She says, curling up next to me.

I hear my phone buzz and grab it off of the shelf behind me.

-I miss you-

-I miss you too-
-is everything okay?-

-yeah, just busy with tour mostly-
-settled on some new merch designs that Hayden came up with-

Seems a little suspicious that she didn't mention it any time prior to this. Don't overthink it Violet, just breathe.

-Hayden is with you?-

-yeah, it's been nice catching up with her-
-but it just makes me miss you more and more-

-I'm sure it does...-

-come on Vi, I don't need more stress right now, can we please not argue about the fact my ex is on tour with me-
-there's not really anything I can do about it-


I hate being short with her but she said she's not in the mood to argue and honestly, I'm not either. I set my phone back on the shelf and nudge Cat.


"Can we dress slutty and go out for drinks?" I ask her.

She jumps up and takes off her oversized hoodie. "Bitch you had me at slutty." She says as she sifts through her wardrobe. "And youuuu can wear this."

Cat tosses me her gold sequined mini dress. I hold it up and look it over. "Cat this dress needs more dress..."

"Oh hush, you'll look great." She waves, meaning she's not taking no for an answer.

I pull off my t-shirt and leggings, sliding the dress on over my head. I-... actually this looks kind of good, I definitely don't hate it. Makes my ass look good. I take another chug of wine to top off pregaming for the night that's about to begin.


"And I-I-I-I-I will always love youuuu!!!" Cat loudly sings into the microphone, exaggeratedly pointing at me in the crowd.

"I love you too bitch!" I shout back at her, fist pumping the air.

Three quarters of a bottle of wine, seven shots, and a couple mixed drinks later I'm not feeling too hot. Puking in a bar bathroom is the epitome of everything that is wrong in my life. I feel like absolute shit and I have no one to blame but myself. I forgot Cat was babysitting me until I feel her hand rubbing circles on my back.

"Come on Vi, let's get you to bed." She says pulling me to my feet.

I stumble around for a moment and Cat takes my arm over her shoulder, practically carrying me back to the dorm. It's a short walk but in my mind it seems like a few miles and not a few blocks.

"Vi, what's going on with you?" She says breaking the silence as we walk.

"Nothing I'm- *hiccup* I'm fine." I say half giggling because my hiccup surprised me.

"I call bullshit. What's going on in that head of yours?" She presses.

"Lots of self-loathing. I feel like my wings have been clipped and I'm just stuck. Stuck in a rut and Billie has been pulling me out slowly. But then today happened. Her ex- *hiccup* her really hot ex, is on tour with her, and I know her cute dimpled face is spending a lot of time with her. How can I compete with that? I can't. I needed a night where I don't have to remember this shitty investigation going on, because I fucked my professor, repeatedly. It was some really hot sex, fuck I miss it." I gush without reservation.

"I'm sure it was, can you handle steps?" She asks.

"If I can handle your pterodactyl creeching you call singing, then yes I can handle steps." I say mocking her.

"I'm going to ignore that." She says as we climb the last few stairs to our floor. "Let's get you to bed."

Cat helps me into bed and covers me up. I don't have the energy to do anything besides exist, so I let sleep consume me.

a/n: what's your favorite show or movie? And why?

What's something that made you laugh recently?

I love you bubbies 💕

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