Disrespect Me

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"Billieeee!" Violet groans out.

"For the last time, I'm not telling you where we're going. That's why it's called a surprise. Ask one more fucking time and you're not gonna like it." I say in a firm tone, shifting into third gear.

The rest of the drive is silent. Great, now she's mad at me. I let out an exasperated sigh as I park the car. Before I can step foot out of my own car, I hear the passenger door slam shut.

Hell fucking no.

"Violet!" I shout trying to get her attention but she doesn't acknowledge me.

So much for a surprise that she'd like, she's gonna get one she hates instead. I am not putting up with her childish behavior. I get back in my car and speed down the road, spinning my tires. I only make it a couple blocks before I feel like an absolute jerk. I cut the steering wheel and head back to the lot. The first thing I see is my brother standing outside with his arms crossed. Great, I let my temper fuck another good thing up.

I turn the key in the ignition and the car falls silent. The passenger side door opens and my brother gets in.

"Do you wanna tell me why Violet came in crying?" he questions me.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "She kept bugging me about where we were going and I kept telling her it was a surprise. The last time she asked, I may or may not have snapped a bit at her and then she slammed the car door, which resulted in me driving off pissed."

Finneas shifts in his seat and gives me a stern look. "I'm gonna tell you this once, and it's gonna come off as sounding harsh, but you know that I love you... grow the fuck up and apologize to her Billie. You can't treat her like you treated-"

"Don't you dare say her name Finn." I cut him off pointing my finger in his face.

He holds up his hands in defense. "Fine. Fine... I've seen the way you are around her, she's good for you. So put aside your pride and fix it. To be honest, if she didn't care, she wouldn't be crying." he says getting out and leaving me with my thoughts.

He's right. She wouldn't be so hurt if she didn't care. Hell, she took me to work with her just because she didn't want me being alone and upset. But here I am, leaving her alone when she's upset. What kind of person does that make me?

I suck it up and go inside, making a beeline for Violet who I see is talking to my mom. I touch her on the small of her back and she jumps a bit. I lean into her and whisper in her ear, "Can we talk?"

She gives me a small nod as I give my mom a smile and say a quick apology for stealing her away. I guide her to a near empty hallway, and she faces me with her arms crossed. She's guarded, and it's my fault.

"You wanted to talk." she says with zero emotion in her tone.

"I'm sorry." I say my eyes afraid to meet hers.

"For what Billie?"

"I'm sorry that I snapped at you, part of me felt disrespected and I'm sorry that I left you in the parking lot. I shouldn't have done that."

"You're right, you shouldn't have, but you did. I'm sorry that you felt disrespected, that wasn't my intention. Look I've had people hurt me in the past and I don't know what your ex did to fuck you up, but that doesn't mean you can take it out on me. I have enough bullshit that you don't know about that I have to deal with, I don't need to deal with yours on top of it." she says meaning every word.

Fuck me. I swear she's reading me like a book, analyzing every single line and picking out every little thing that makes me, me.

How can we go from fucking in my office to fighting at a party only a few days later?

"You're right about that too... I don't really know what else to do apart from continuing to say I'm sorry." I confess.

"Show me. Actions speak louder than words Billie, so show me that you're sorry." she says turning on her heel and rejoining the company of my mom, with a smile on her face as though nothing had even happened.

I decide to give Violet her space and join Claudia at the punch table.

How do I fix this?

Who else has hurt her for her to react that way?

How does she know that my ex hurt me?

a/n: I had no idea where this was going buuuut here it is.

Do we like bold Violet or submissive Violet?

Lub you bubbies 💕

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