Chapter 22- Less free free period

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The day went normal. I didn't see Wren again since the morning. I didn't even see Mason, I wonder where he is. I ate lunch with everyone. Yasmin still annoyed me but she moved on to dishing on the students instead of me. Miranda and Jordan seem normal and won't cause any problems. I might actually get along with them. I decided on the free period I had to go to the library and read more on some creatures. Reading about the Pegasus was interesting and I became curious about more. 

As I was about to open the door when someone called my name. Looking around I see Flora waving to me. I sigh regretting coming to the library at this time. If only I went straight to my room and wallowed in self-pity, but no I had to find a new hobby of reading. And not fiction books either. "Greta, so good to see you at school. I never wanted you to be treated the way you were the last few weeks because you were blamed for something you didn't do," Flora soothes as she walks over and puts her arm around me. 

"I'm glad you helped find him, you worked so hard. Which got me thinking," she continued. I braced myself for whatever it is she is happily skeeming. "You would do great in some physical education classes. I looked at your schedule and saw that you are on the free period right now. And there is a class I think you will enjoy." 

I didn't want to be rude so I followed her as she talked about the pride of athletics and fitness for the students of Grimmland High. I wasn't really paying attention. I kept getting distracted by people looking at me and murmuring to their friends. I'm back to being the outcast. Back to being hated by everyone because of who my mother is. 

We finally get to a gym and she opens the door. A teacher was talking amongst a few students who were sitting on courtside seats. "Ah Flora, is this the girl you were talking to me about earlier today?" The teacher said when he noticed us walking across the court. 

"Yes, Mr. Finnighan this is Greta. Greta, This is Mr. Finnigan, Greta, swordsmanship teacher. Welcome to swordsmanship beginning 1," Flora cheered. Everyone else in the class clapped for my welcome. They looked as if they didn't care who I was. Maybe they are waiting to humiliate me by seeing how well they can disarm me. 

"Now we just need one more student to join to be able to keep the class going," Finnigan said. "Sit down, Greta, we are discussing the terms and rules of the class and the sport." I looked around at all the students. None of them seem eager to have me sit next to me. Until I got to the last student and notice Mason. I haven't talked to Mason in a few days. I wonder how he feels about everything going on. I'm sure he's talked to Wren. But I go over and sit next to him, as he smiles when I look at him. 

"Don't worry," Flora smirked. "That student should be here shortly," She giggles and walks out of the room informing Finnigan that she will be back in just a moment. Finnigan goes on with the rules and what to expect of the class. After a minute or so passed and the door opened again. Flora walked in with a student behind her. We all watched as they walked across the court. My heart clenched at the sight of Wren following right behind her. I thought I was doing great having no classes with him. Now I have a class with him. I don't know if I could get over him if I have to see him every day. 

"Wren, I'm so glad you are in the class!" Mr. Finnighan exclaimed. I could tell some of the students were excited too. He's gotten pretty popular lately. I don't know if people just pity him or if he was already popular and I just never noticed. "Thank you, Flora, I'll take good care of him in this class." Flora nodded and giggled before she walked out of the class. 

"Now, Before I show you, kids, around I wanted to inform you that this weekend we will have a little field trip to a campsite. There is a battle arena that we are going to tour and have a little scrimmage and it was approved that we camp out one night. Please look forward to that," Flinnighan informed us. A field trip? I've never heard of that before. Is it because we are taking a trip to an arena? We all stood up as he guided us to locker rooms, storage room, and equipment room. After that he let us go early. "Except Wren and Greta, since you two were a few minutes late, I want to recap what I said at the beginning of class." 

I didn't want to be alone with Wren, who knows what I would say to him. Would I try to ask for him back or yell at him? I looked at Mason who nodded at me, probably meaning he will wait for me. I hope he waits. Even if we have to walk with Wren, I won't be alone. "Alright, you guys didn't miss much. Let me see um," I glanced at Wren who was basically distancing himself from me. "Make sure to wear comfortable clothing for physical activity, we have time before the class to change if you don't want to be wearing them all day. The equipment is going to start off as nonharmful until we get closer to the end of the semester. We learn the strategies and moves first before we use real swords. Always be careful. Never stab someone to injure someone. What you learn here will be helpful for the outside world someday. Know your enemy." He looks at me with the last words. "Alright, thank you for joining. I can tell you both will be excellent swordsmen. See you tomorrow," He patted Wren's shoulder and left, us following behind. 

Thankfully Mason was waiting. He watched us walk out and we both stopped next to him, silence being louder than the sounds of people walking out of classes. Wren told Mason he was going to the bathroom and be right out. He nodded and watched him go to the bathroom. "What is with the silence? Are you guys okay?" He asked me in a hushed voice. Does he not know that we are done? 

"What do you mean are we okay? He broke up with me. Where have you been?" I said copying his hushed voice. He looked shocked when I told him that we broke up. "Did you really not know?"

"No, I just moved back to the dorms today because one of my uncles got married and it's a whole weekend celebration. Why did he break up with you? Is it because of your mother?" 

"He says it's not. He said it's because he realized while we were apart that he wasn't attracted to me, just the flower's power was attracting each other. So he never really loved me," complete bullcrap I think but that's what he said. 

"Bullcrap," Mason scoffed. He read my mind. "How are you?" He asked with a concerned tone to his voice. I look at him. Not only did he sound concerned, he looked concerned. Yes, I'm sure Mason has some type of feelings for me, but now I don't know what feelings I have for him. 

"A mess," I said studying his face. "My worst fear came true. I'm trying to show that maybe I feel the same way and I never loved him, but it's difficult. I  thought I knew how I felt but--" The door to the bathroom opened and Wren walked out. I put my hand on Mason's shoulder and whispered to him that I will talk to him later and walked away. Eyes burning holes in the back of my head but I ignored it, not wanting to find just Mason looking at me when I wished Wren would look at me too. I turned the corner to go back to the library when I accidentally bumped into someone. 

"Ouch," they exclaimed. "Pardon me." I looked up and made eye contact with Marielle, daughter of Melody and granddaughter of Ariel and Eric. I've only talked to her once at the showcase. She was quiet yet beautiful. "Oh Greta, good to see you. Um, is Wren still around?" I winced at the sound of his name. I pointed behind me and she quickly smiled and skipped away. I didn't think she even cared about Wren enough to look for him. I was tempted to turn around and watch her go up to him but I didn't think I could bear it so I kept going forward.

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