Chapter 27- Secret

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Up until the last class, I couldn't get the image of Mason out of my head. He is upset about something I just can't figure out what it is. Hopefully, after I go talk to Wren in the library, which is an odd request from someone who told me that they don't have anything to do with me, practically. I may be overexaggerating, but it's the heartbreak talking. I got around just fine without someone to accompany me. I don't know why they all insisted that someone had to come with me. They should really only worry about this last class. I have to sit on the benches and watch everyone train until I am completely healed. If I wanted to I can get healed right now, just need to go talk to Wren. Although I know people will talk. I faked the whole thing to make Marielle looked bad. Even though I didn't fake it, she still looks bad. Everyone is calling her a bully and that she pushed me. I should say something along the lines of I fell on my own, but I don't want to. I'm enjoying this a bit too much. 

I caught Wren glancing at me every now and then, sometimes even Mason. But he would quickly look over at Wren and then ignore me the rest of the time. There is something they are both aren't telling me. While sitting and observing, I noticed for the first time how strong Wren's arms were. He held the sword with a firm grip with no chance of it being knocked out of his hands. He was flexing, and my mouth was watering. I need to look away, I can't be thinking these thoughts. Why does he have to be so attractive?  I moved my eyes to Mason. Just like Wren, he had an almost perfect grip.  He was also sweating. Small beads of sweat framed his face. Our instructor called the end of class and everyone went to their stuff. Mason and Wren always put their stuff together. They walked over and grabbed their water bottles. I was in awe that I never looked at them the way I am now. I am attracted to both of them. But which one do I really love? 

I walked out before everyone was done changing. I don't need to wait any longer. I should be heading to the library knowing that Wren would be there shortly. But I don't want to seem eager to meet with him. So I walk around until my ankle started to throb. I sat on a window ledge and looked out at the garden the window overlooks. The colors in the garden were bright and calming. How have I not looked at them before? That is when I pictured the flower on my hand. I glanced at it and then back at the rest of the flowers. None of them look like my flower. It truly is unique. Something for only me and Wren. 

In front of me, I heard someone clearing their throat. "Um, Gr... Greta," a voice stuttered. I look up and notice Henry standing awkwardly in front of me. Is he still scared of me from that one time I slapped him in the face? He knows I didn't really mean to and felt horrible about it. "I'm here to escort you to the library." 

"Escort me? Why are you escorting me?" I asked him but I'm pretty sure I know the answer to it. 

"The place Wren is at is hidden in the back, he showed me where it's at so I can help you get there. Since it's upstairs," He said. So he wants Henry to help me up the stairs and to guide me to a hidden room. Interesting. "Are you ready?" He held out a shaking hand. I looked at the hand and sighed. 

"Henry, you know I didn't mean to do what I did that day, right?" I asked him looking at him in the eyes. He kept glancing away and back at me, shaking his head. "I was just hot-tempered," I accepted his hand and stood up. "And I will treat you with only kindness, and hands to myself, from now on." I took my hand away and limped to the library. I opened the door and took the right turn to head for the stairs when Henry stopped me. 

"Actually, there is a small lift just over there for people who are unable to walk up these stairs. The library had them put in when she broke her foot once." I followed him to the lift and we stepped on. As he pushed the button that moves us to the second floor, my head started to feel dizzy. I can't tell if the world was going dark or if my eyes were closing. "Greta," Henry's voice mumbled. He kept repeating my name and asking if I was okay when suddenly everything was dark and silent. 

I opened my eyes and gasped, hyperventilating and glancing at the surroundings. I'm no longer in the library. I was in some wooden room with a bed and trees out a window. Finally, my breathing came to a normal pace.  "Greta, my dear," I hear a voice echo in the low-lite room. "Oh, how I've missed you. I hope you are recovering okay." I started to recognize the voice. Rumplestiltskin. 

"What do you want now, Rumple?" I asked, looking around until I see stairs that lead up. I thought about going towards them. 

"I just wanted to show you the truth before you heard the truth. I know you and Wren are separated and you despise each other. I truly enjoy watching, but I have a feeling he will crack but I wanted to do it first. How dare he take my thunder! Go ahead, look and see what's up those stairs." Rumple's voice echoed again without the owner of that voice is found. Instead of wasting my time trying to find him, I went up the stairs, hoping it will finish his little show faster. 

When I got up the stairs I saw a woman standing by the window of a small kitchen-type room. The back of her looked familiar. Long curly dark hair. Curves that give her an hourglass shape and a maroon dress. Mother? The scenery has changed since the last time he sent me a vision. When he visited me in the infirmary, she was in what I assumed was the tower. Now it's a different place. 

"That's correct deary," Rumple echoed again. "I have her here in this old tree house with no escape, waiting for you." 

"Mother," I yelled hoping to get her attention. "Mother I'm here, what's going on?" 

"She can't hear you, you are just an illusion."

"Why is she here?" Mother started to walk towards the counter where some bread and meat were sitting. She looked skinnier than usual. 

"While we were roaming Auradon and Grimmland the past few weeks, I told her my master plan and why I created the plan because I wanted her to be happy. Because I love her." Excuse me? Does Rumplestiltskin love my mother? I wanted to vomit. I know my mother would never love an imp, like him. "She rejected me. How could she? After everything I offered her. So I locked her here. I told her that if she doesn't love me, she will never see her daughter again. Wren overheard this whole thing. I made him promise me to keep it a secret from you.  I told him that telling you would not only hurt your mother, but I would hurt you too. I need you in this plan and I can't have you distracted by some boy." Wren knew my mother was locked up? Does he think he's being a hero? 

Everything went dark again and I gasped like I held my breath for a whole minute. I opened my eyes and I was sitting on the lift with Henry looking at me concerned. "Greta, are you okay?" 

"How long have I been like this?" I asked. I was only there for a few minutes but I'm not sure how the time works from the real world and in Rumplestiltskin's little visions. 

"Only a few seconds but I was really scared. Are you sure you are okay?" Henry asked again. I nodded my head and he helped me stand up. "Well we are on the second floor now, let me show you where to go." He opened the lift's door as I followed him out. We walked down shelves of books until we came to a dead end. He looked at me then back at the books. He grabbed a book with no title on the side and pulled it down. The shelf creaked open. "Wren is in there," Henry said and scurried away. I looked at the hidden room. 

Suddenly I'm reminded that Wren lied to me because Rumplestiltskin warned him. I can't decide what I will say or do when I see his face now. Am I going to slap him because he played with my heart just because he thought he was protecting me and my mother or should I kiss him because he had to be away and lie to me? Hesitantly I walked through the doorway. In this hidden room were three windows, a couple of couches with pillows, and a desk with a lamp and chair in the corner. Looks like a hidden hangout. Standing by one of the windows was Wren, looking out the window. When he sensed my presence he glanced my way. He hurried to fix his posture and softly smiled at me. 

As fast as my bad ankle would let me, I walked towards him. Debating in my head, "kiss him, slap him, kiss him, slap him." When I finally got to him I froze. He studied my expression when I suddenly slapped him. Slapping it is. He put his hand on his cheek and stared at the ground. I could tell he wasn't hurt, he looked as though he was expecting it. Without thinking my hands reached for his face and I pulled him in for a kiss. I guess I'm doing both. I held our lips together. Seconds later, I felt his hands on my hips, slowly wrapping around me. I've missed this touch so much. 

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