Chapter 4- Clothing shop

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When we got back to Grimmland, it was almost midnight. I was tired of walking and Mason was tired of carrying his heavy backpack. I offered that we take turns carrying the backpack but he insisted that it's all him. I'm not much of a feminist and am trying to say that I can do anything he can do. But it's true that I can do anything he can do and I'm perfectly capable of carrying a heavy backpack. We finally got down the main street where the clothing shop Heather worked at for our dresses for Parent's Day is. I'm not exactly sure if she is still here or sent back to the island. I am hoping she is still here, she knows exactly what I like and how things fit. Besides, she did nothing to deserve her going back. She's better off here than I ever could be. Shawn is here too, they could be together. 

When we saw the sop, a single light was shinning through the glass doors. It must be Heather, she was always at her shop late at night, but then again most people were nocternal on the island. Heather was one of them. I sometimes was but I enjoyed a perfect night of sleep. I walked up and opened the door, a jingle rang as the door hit the bell. I could tell the light was coming from the back of the sop and headed that direction, Mason straggling behind. I turned the corner and saw Heather and Shawn laying their heads on the table. Looks like they are both asleep. The only thing I could do is gently wake them up. 

I turned on a sewing machine nad pressed on the foot press until Heather and Shawn's head shot up. "Good Morning, sunshine!" I cheered while they rub their eyes. They looked over at me, then at Mason, then back to me. I kind of disappeared without telling them where I was going. I'm sure they knew but the sunset and I was gone. 

"Greta," Heather mumbled. "Long time no see." 

"Ditto, I am surprised you are still here, I thought they'd ship you back to the island." I sat down next to them and looked at what they were working on. It looked like just random sketches, like flowers, animals, creatures. And they have cookies. I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and broke off pieces. 

"They are starting me and three more kids next week when the break is over. I'm not sure who is coming yet, but they are getting closer to opening the border. To the kids. Because of your mother and Rumplestiltskin, they aren't sure about welcoming the adults yet." Heather yawned. 

"I bet. What are you guys doing here anyway?" Mason asked them, awkwardly sitting next to Shawn. Mason only joined us at lunch when Wren would insist. Shawn has kind of an intimidating presence about him, he always made them both nervous. Wren told me about it once. 

"Just chatting. Rapunzel announced something like a archery contest and masquerade ball. So I thought I'd make some sketches for the ball. But I never got to one." 

"Perfect that is why we are here. I also would like something to wear to the event. I am going to be participating in the contest." Shawn and Heather both looked at each other and start to laugh. "What? Can you not imagine me shooting a bow and arrow?" 

"It's not that, we can't imagine you participating in a contest. We were all still surprised you agreed to perform at the showcase." Heather grabbed her notebook and flipped to a clean page. She started to draw a figure to design some clothes for me. I sat and watched her sketch while eating my cookie. I could tell Mason was getting tired. I suggested we sneak back into the dorms since curfews are not as strict at the moment, but he turned it down. But we aren't far, we might be able to sneak in without being spotted. Maybe I could talk to Remmy and Hanna. 

"Where are you guys crashing?" Heather asked. I noticed her freckles just now, in the shapes of playing cards. A new makeup trend she is trying now I guess. It actually was kind of cute. The most make up I do is eyeliner. I shrugged my shoulders and glanced at Mason, his eyes already closing. "You guys can crash here, the owners are letting me stay here until school starts again. You obviously won't be able to make it very far." Mason's head slipped off his hand and he jolted awake. 

"Mason," I called. "Heather is letting us stay here tonight, why don't you go get ready?" He drowsingly nodded and slowly got himself up and headed for the bathroom. 

"You just have to be out of here before 8 when the ladies show up. How is it going anyway? I'm guessing no handsome guy yet?" 

"No but we are getting close. How is Remmy and Hanna? I might go visit them tomorrow while we are in town for awhile." Heather stopped drawing and looked at me. 

"You didn't know?" I shook my head. 

"Because he was caught using the stolen wand, he is in jail. He can't be held for long because he is a minor, but it's up to Eugene and Grimmland's jury to decide how innocent he is." 

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