Chapter 34 Greta - Empty School

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"Have you been back to the school since Rumplestiltskin took over?" Remmington asked me. We were all sitting in Heather's shop, in the room we always sat in. Drinking bottled sodas and talking about how life has changed in the last month. I don't think much has changed with me, just that because my mother is the "lady" of this town, I get special treatment. And I get to stay at the castle. The castle I used to stare at from the Cursed Island most nights from the roof of my house. Before Rumplestiltskin took over, I was just living a quiet life at school, crushing on Mason who for some reason wanted to be my friend from the very first day I got here. At least that's what I think my life was like, I couldn't remember very well. It seemed blurry for some reason.

"Nah, not really," I said looking over at Mason. Most nights I'm with him. Just walking down the street, breaking into shops taking pastries or jewelry. I didn't picture him to be a bad boy, he was so sweet when I first came. Then, he had a falling out with his best friend, Wren. I was never told why. "But while we're on the topic, it sounds kind of fun. Maybe I'll go see if I left anything in our dorm room." I took a bite of some grapes before standing up. "Baby, want to go back to school with me?"

"I'd love to, Gret but I have other matters to attend to," Mason got up and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He usually never has anything else to do. He hasn't gone back to school either. He is with me 6 out of 7 days a week. "I've been practicing my archery, babe. Soon I might be able to go into the woods and hunt." Ugh, he's such a man. Always practicing his shooting skills. He was the reason I even got into it.

"Maybe when you are out there in the forest practicing, you'll run into Robin Hood," I joked. Mason once told me about him, I think. Some legend how he disappeared after he had an affair with a villain and now he just hides in the forest. I assume it's just some urban legend, but with the white look on Mason's face tells otherwise. "I was kidding," I said. "If he's real he'd probably be on the island."

"Not if Rumplestiltskin didn't know about him," Hannah chimed in. "If Rumple put all the heroes on the Cursed Island, wouldn't he put Robin Hood there?" She had a point. He is a hero. Then again this is all if he actually is real. "Remmy, while you guys go to school, I think I left some nail polish in the dorm.  Will you grab it for me?" 

"Why don't you just come with us?" Remmington asked while grabbing his jacket. It's getting chilly outside now. It might even start snowing soon. Hanna explained she didn't want to go and was helping Heather out with her shop. I asked Shawn if he wanted to come, but he was dressed like he was going for a workout so I assumed that's why he shook his head no. It was just me and Remmy, just like he old days. It was a bit of a walk to the school but I don't mind it. It's all flat, plus the trees are pretty. Most the leaves are on the ground now. Remmington is also staying in the castle with me, since Rumplestiltskin is his dad. Who still doesn't know that Remmington is dating Hannah. Although I'm sure he'd be fine with it. It's me and Mason that he doesn't like. He wants me and Remmington to be the poster for best powerful young couple. Thinking about being romantically involved with Remmington makes me cringe. We are practically siblings, especially now more than ever. Since we are living under the same roof. 

"Wow, that's a lot of graffiti," Remmington said as we got through the front door of the school. I was stunned with the lack of cleanliness and organization. "Yazmin is having the time of her life here." I laughed in agreement. The state of the school, graffiti on the walls and really just no one around reminds me of the Cursed Island. I thought that it would be comforting to see some familiarity but oddly I felt disappointed. 

"You want to look around for a bit?" I asked him. "maybe see what they have in the kitchen?" It may be because this was the first meal I had in Grimmland, the food here is really yummy. Rumplestiltskin could never compare. We went back to the kitchen, passing only a few students who looked at me the way they did when I first got here, scared. Remmington put a bag that he brought on the table and opened pantry doors. I opened refrigerators. All the food was still fresh, as if they were bought today. I grabbed some grapes and and pineapple to put into the bag. Remmington put a couple bags of chips and popcorn in the bag and opened the freezer. He chuckled a little and I turned to him. 

"What's so funny? Is it something in there?" I asked him. He grabbed something and put it on the table next to the bag. I examined a medium size tub. My eyes widened and I looked back and Remmington with a smirk on his face. "Is that cookie dough??" I asked excitedly. I discovered awhile ago that you can eat the dough of cookies. Who would have thought to eat it? I am forever indebted to that person for changing my life for the better. "Mine!" I grabbed the tub and put it into the bag. 

"At least share with Hanna. You know she also likes it," Remmington asked me. I shook my head. 

"Hell no, I'm not sharing that. I love it more," I folded my arms. 

"I found it, I should get a say." I scrunched my nose. They got to have more, right? I walked over to the freezer and opened it up. Ah ha, there is another one. I pulled it out and gave it to Remmington. "Alright, one for you and one for Hanna." We decided to go get the things we needed and head home. "I'm going to get things in my dorm room, would you mind getting Hanna's nail polish?" 

"Sure, no problem," I saluted him and went towards the girls dorms. Every door was shut, like normal. But decorations that students put up on their doors were taken down or on the floor as if they fell down. My dorm looked unharmed. I opened it up with my key and looked around. I opened all of Hanna's drawers until the bottom one with all her nailpolish in it. I forgot to ask which ones. I grab a handful and one of her make up bags and stick them inside. I looked around again. Pretty sure I didn't need anything here so I left the room. 

While walking to the courtyard where I planned to meet Remmington, I passed the library. For some reason, I felt the urge to explore it a little bit. I'm pretty sure the only time I came in here is when I found out that Remmington and Hanna were dating. I opened the door and it looked untouched. I guess Yazmin doesn't care much about the library either. I looked around the tables, there were some books on desks, I assume students still come in here. I walked down a few rows of shelves then headed upstairs. I read different titles of books, hardly any of them sounded interesting. 

I got to a section of books that made me stop. A bunch of books about mythical creatures. That might be interesting, if I ever felt like reading. I ran my hand against the bindings of books while looking up and down. My hand stopped at a shelf of old leather bound books. This is odd, they're in the middle of the section, not looking like any other book on the shelf. One of them, a deep purple one with no wordings on the side, caught my attention. 

bzzz bzzz 

Before I could pick up the book, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I reached for it and turned the screen on. Oh right, Remmington is probably wondering where I am. I read his message and replies that I was on my way. I hurried down the stairs and out the door and made it to the courtyard. I handed him the bag of polish and he put it in his bag.

"What did you get from your room?" I asked him. His bag was starting to look heavier, full of fruit, cookie dough, and whatever he got. 

"Just some cook books from the cooking club I was in. I get kind of bored and thought maybe I'll go back to cooking," I said. I laughed at his nerdiness and we continued walking down the road. A loud roaring started coming down the road as we were talking and I glanced to see a man on a motorcycle drive by. It passed us then suddenly the noise stopped. I turned around to see why it suddenly stopped. On the bike, I was able to make out Wren's face. I haven't talked to him in a long time, I didn't know he had a motorcycle. He was staring right at me. Confused for the strange eye contact I turned back around and caught up with Remmington. 

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