Chapter 12 - Silent woods

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I woke up the next morning at noon, I spent most of the night thinking about Robin Hood and what Remington said that I didn't fall asleep until early into the morning. When I got back everyone was already asleep so I didn't want to wake them up. If I did, Remington would have said that it was selfish of me. I couldn't believe he was calling me selfish or self-absorbed or obsessed with Wren. When I got off the couch, I stretched and walked to the break room, the only place with a coffee machine and microwave. Heather says for food she and Shawn either go to the school where they get food in the cafeteria or they go to a nearby cafe. I have little to none money so I just eat whatever snacks that I have already brought with me or to a small drug store. Today I am planning to go to a restaurant nearby, mostly because it's noon so I want to eat more than just breakfast. 

After I filled my mug with coffee, put in creamer, and a hoodie over my head, I went down the stairs to see Heather sewing. I sat down in a chair across the table from her. "Good morning, hermit." She said without lifting her eyes off her fabric. "Mason said you got home late last night. And were acting weird. What's up?" 

"Nothing, I will explain it in a minute let me just wake up," I took a sip of coffee then look around. "What a minute, where is everybody?" I asked realizing no one else was in the room. 

"Mason is getting us food, he's getting you shepherd's pie anyway. Hanna is on her way here after talking with Remington and Shawn is working out," She turned on her sewing machine and went working. "The shop opens in an hour, by the way, you might want to be gone then." 

"Don't worry, I have somewhere to go..." I explain that I have met Robin Hood and am hoping to meet him tonight. She suggested that Mason and Shawn go with me, just to be safe. I could probably handle my own father but in case he doesn't show up and we run into something or someone else, might as well take them with me. 

I finished my coffee, washed the mug in the small single sink then went back upstairs to change.  I put on the same outfit I wore to the archery shindig. Hopefully, something will happen tonight. Something just a step closer to finding Wren. After a few minutes of putting my hair in a messy braid, I walked downstairs to see Mason and Shawn back. There was food on the table set up to eat. "Hungry?" Mason asked as I sat down next to him. I nodded and he handed me a plastic fork. "So, want to fill us in on everything then we can go?" 

I told them about Robin Hood and that I plan on going to see if he will meet me at the Ugly Duckling tonight. But before that, I am hoping to at least find one tree with the sun tattoo carving on it.  Mason packed a bag of a view "essentials." Just Shawn's nunchucks, a small crossbow, and a pocket knife. I told him we probably don't need them but both Shawn and Mason looked at me with a worried face. I hesitantly agreed and we went off to the woods. We got there in silence. I felt awkward with no sound filling the air that surrounded us. Usually, after a few minutes of not speaking, Mason usually comes up with something to say. The silence from him is making me nervous and curious as to what he is thinking. Shawn on the other hand is always quiet, mostly when Heather isn't around. Every now and then I glance over at Mason to see his expression. 

"Mason," I said, adding to the sound of our footsteps and bird chirps that has been on a constant repeat as we got deeper into the forest. "I just have a question." He slowed his pace and we came to a stop as he looked at me in the eye, for the first time today. 

"What's your question?" He asked me calmly. 

"Well, when I was talking to Remington last night, he said something that has got me wondering to myself. I was wondering," I held my hands behind me nervous. "Why are you helping me?" I asked after getting the courage to actually have this conversation. 

"What do you mean why? I've told you why." 

"I know, I know. Wren asked you to. But is that it? Is that really why you went through all this trouble, for Wren?" It could be because of Wren, but maybe Remington was right and he could have some feelings. 

"Why did I ditch my fall break of relaxing away from school to trample through the woods with some girl I just met a few months ago? For a girl that only has eyes for one person. Why did I have to introduce myself to her in the first place if I knew she was just going to only glance at me. Why did I ask my mom questions that I was curious about because I was only thinking of her? I don't know, it's all just for a friend's benefit, right?" 

I was stunned at what he was saying. Is he admitting everything that Remington suspected? "What are you saying, Mason?" I asked, like an idiot. 

"I'm saying, whatever Remington said, he's probably right. But we don't have the time to discuss it, Greta, we have a guy who claims to be Robin Hood to worry about."

"Who claims?"  I mimicked, not understanding his choice of words. "You think he's not? He showed up like you said he would, why don't you believe me?" He put his hands on his hips and looked into the distance. 

"I want to believe you, trust me. But instead of just believing him, he needs to show us proof. I've heard stories of Rumplestiltskin, what if he is faking Robin Hood to get to you? All I want is you to be safe." I am starting to see how he feels. Remington was right. The first person to talk to me, Mason. The first person that actually wanted to be our friend, Mason. 

I sighed wondering what I am going to tell him, "Mason," I said. I opened my mouth to continue when I felt a hand grab my arm. With a little jump, I turn to see Shawn staring at a tree. Confused I followed his gaze. Only to have my eyes land on a carving on a tree. The sun tattoo that I share with Wren. I walked over to take a closer look. After analyzing every inch of that carving, I looked around for me. Almost like it was in a line, I noticed more and more trees with the sun carved on them. I thought about what Robin Hood said, he would get lost once he found the trees. I started into the void behind the trees. Something must be there. 

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