Chapter 16 - Game Plan

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Back to Greta POV: 

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and energized. It was like I have slept for a few days and now I have all the energy in the world. I never noticed that I didn't feel like that before. I sat up and stretched trying to bring myself out of the bed. I turned and put my feet on the ground and noticed a white paper on the table. I picked it up and read it. 

I put a tonic in your tea to help the power in you reenergize. I noticed when you walked in that your aura was weak. Must be because you have been away from Wren for so long. Hurry up and find him, I hope you can feel the energy now. 
       ~ Granny

So she's basically saying she drugged me? I do remember starting to feel dizzy. I must have had to be carried all the way home, I wonder who carried me. I put on my shoes and a jacket and hurried to the back room where everyone usually is in the morning. As soon as I got there, I noticed the number of people were different. Heather, Shawn, Remington, and Mason. Something was different. I looked at everyone again then back at Remington. Remington! I screamed with joy and ran up to my best friend and gave him a hug. I remembered he told me that yesterday was his trial. He must of been released! 

"Greta! I've been waiting for you to wake up. Last night was quite some show seeing the Robin Hood carrying you in on his back," He said as he squeezed me tight. I pulled away and looked at him embarrassed. 

"Robin Hood carried me home? I was wondering how I got here from Granny's house," I said fixing my hair. I glanced over at Mason and noticed he wasn't making eye contact with me. Was it from what we were saying before I noticed the barrier. 

"Mason also said something about how I might be needed. After being trapped in that dirty cell for a few weeks, going out and exploring and going on an adventure sounds pretty fun. What do you need me to do?" 

"Uh, yeah we can talk about. First, let's eat some breakfast unless everyone else has eaten then I will just eat. Where's Hanna?" I asked while I walked over to a cupboard. Everyone was a little bit quiet. I finished grabbing a plate, knife, bread and butter then sighed. "What did I miss this time?" 

"She just found out that we are half siblings, we share the same dad, Hans," Heather said. 

It was a late night on the island and I was wandering the streets. My mother fell asleep before getting us any food and I was starving. I was on my way to Rumple's restaurant when I noticed Hans walk into the queen of Hearts boutique. He always stirs up some drama so maybe there will be a good show tonight. I walked towards the boutique and squatted down next to a window. The shop was empty except for Hans, who I could hear was calling out for the Queen of Hearts. I slowly moved the window up so I could hear more clearly. Why does he need Queenie so much? Just a short minute later Queen of Hearts and Heather came down from their upstairs home. 

"Oh it's just Hans," Queenie rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She asked. She folded her arms as Hans paced the shop. 

"My daughter, Hanna, has been saying that your daughter Heather is bullying her. I'm here to set you ladies, straight," He argued, with a very loud voice. Heather looked shocked when she was mentioned. I've seen them around each other, they barely even speak. And I can tell that it gets on Hanna's nerves that Heather pretty much ignores her. 

"Excuse me, what proof do you have that she bullies Hanna? My daughter goes to school and comes straight home. She's too busy working here to even care what's going on with other kids," Queen argued back. She's not wrong, I only talk to Heather if I ever bump into her. With the size of our school, it's easy to bump into people. We are both lonely so sometimes I sat next to her at lunch. 

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