Chapter 11 - Am I wrong?

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"Are you serious?" Remmington exclaimed in a whisper. I was visiting him at midnight just a few hours after I met Robin Hood. I had to tell him everything. I wanted him involved in any way, I want him out of this stupid jail. "And you are sure it is him?" 

"Positive. He looked so familiar. I felt as if I've known him forever. He talked of my mother, I could tell he had true feelings for her. But he has no hope in her anymore. He doesn't even have hope in me," I said sitting on the ground, back in just leggings and a red hoodie. "Oh yeah," I stood up and took out a brownie I wrapped in a napkin and handed it over to him. "I got this for you." 

"Sneak it like always?" He chuckled taking the brownie and unwrapping it. Chocolate brownie, I remembered when we first came here we tried these for the first time. After one bite he immediately proclaimed them as his favorite dessert. He took an hungered bite. He smiled while eating like it's been days since he has eaten in days. 

"Don't they feed you here?" I asked looking at his small cell. 

"Yeah but only staple foods like peanut butter sandwiches and oatmeal. I've been using magic to change it to whatever I feel like," He finished the brownie and gave me back the napkin. 

"You use magic?" I exclaimed. He didn't seem like he would continue using magic after his father forced him to with Fairy Godmother's wand. "Are you crazy?" 

"You're calling me crazy? You use your own magic," he argued. 

"Well yeah, it's good magic. Originating from a falling sun drop. Yours comes from your father, a villain. I don't want it to consume you and have you become evil like him." 

"I would never be like him. This magic will be used for good. Besides all I have used it for was to change the food to something better." He made me laugh with frustration. I rolled my eyes thinking that innocent Remington uses magic. And for the stupidest reason. "This is what happens when you are stuck in a cell all day." 

"Just promise me, Remmy, the minute you feel like this dark magic is consuming you, you tell me. I don't want to loose you. It's bad enough you are stuck in here and I have to sneak in just to see you," I walked over and leaned on one of the bars. "Who would have imagined you being locked behind bars and me being an outlaw?" I laughed. He smiled to himself. 

"I imagined you as both of those things," He said snickering. I glared at him but deep down I also imagined the same things. I put my hand out so he could hold it as I said goodbye. 

"I need to go talk to Mason about what happened tonight before I can get some sleep. I'll come back soon," I was about to walk away when he gripped my hand and pulled me back. 

"Wait," he said. "about him. I don't know how I feel about him. He said he is helping you because Wren asked, right?" I nodded. He made a promise with Wren that he and I will find him. Wren is his best friend, he is probably tired of me but just waiting until we find wren. "It just seems like that's not the only reason he is helping you. I mean you said he introduced himself to you first. Invited you to eat with him. Invited you to go shooting and even brought up Robin Hood to you. I think he has some feelings for you. He hasn't left your side at all in the past few weeks. He came to visit me only to meet you here." 

I never thought of it that way. He was always there, but I thought he was on his mission while I was on mine. I guess I got used to being around him and just felt like he was friendly. This is the land of the goody-two-shoes. He always mentions how Wren and I were connected. He always seemed serious when he talked about it. The more I think about it, Remmy might be on to something. But I'm sure he doesn't like me. He is just a friend.

"Just think about it, Greta. You might want to make sure Wren is safe and you can find him, but maybe you might not be realizing other people's feelings," He let go of my hand and started stretching. "I know Wren needs you, but dedicate some time for other people. Hanna said she hasn't seen you in a while." 

"Are you calling me selfish? Everyone is depending on me, I can't let them down. Of course, that's all I am thinking about. That's all I have time for. Mason is doing the same, he is only thinking of Wren. I am getting so close. I found Robin Hood. I have a hint on where Wren can be. Now I just need to find him." 

"Did you know I have a trial tomorrow? I might actually be released because Rapunzel, Anna, and some other parents put in a good word. Did you know Hanna passed math and biology? She also is thinking about taking a journalist class to be a reporter, like Snow White." I didn't know any of these things, nobody told me anything. I didn't know what to say. It's not my fault I was out of the loop about everything. I'm doing what I believe I should be doing right now. I held up my arm and checked the time. Almost 1 in the morning, I need to go. "Just think, Greta. Am I wrong?" He said before going over to his small bed and sitting down. I sighed and snuck out, thinking seriously about what Remington was talking about.

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