Chapter 15- One Time Kiss- Mason POV

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As we were leaving the old lady grabbed my shoulder and said to me, "You better keep an eye on Greta tonight. In her tea I put a remedy that will help build back her power's strength. I noticed she was getting a little weak," she handed me a paper. "Give this to her when she sobers up. She might say something or act weird but once she's asleep, she will sleep like a rock." She let go of my shoulder then left the room. I hurried to catch up with the rest only to have Greta loose her balance and start to fall. I quickly held out my arms and caught her. Her eyes were closed but she slowly opened. When she saw me she chuckled to herself. "It's Mason," She giggled. She stood up and stumbled to stand straight. "I have beef with you!" She shouted and pointed at me. 

"What's wrong, Greta?" Robin Hood asked. Not aware of what's going on. Greta completely ignored him. "Mason, what's with her?" 

"That granny gave her something in her tea," I said. Greta was trying to focus on something, maybe my shirt or nothing. "She said it would make her feel reenergized when she wakes up. I guess it has a side effect?" 

"She's acting completely drunk," Robin Hood said. He walked over to her and tried to have her lean on him while walk back but she pushed him away. 

"I have words for you later, mister!" She shouted at him, pointing her finger at his face. "But first," she moved the finger over to Shawn. "You are quiet. Why don't you ever talk? As soon as Heather shows up you don't know how to shut up," she burped and her eyes widened. "I can't believe I just did that." She falls to the ground again and I hurry to her side. I offer to put her on my back but she pushes me. 

"I don't understand you, kid!" She yelled in my ear. She lifted her hand and stared at the back of it. "I don't understand anything." I pick her up and put her on my back to carry her home. "Where are we going?" She asked. Shawn and Robin Hood followed. When we got to the town, I stopped and turned to Robin Hood. 

"It's okay, I'll take it from here," I said. Greta was quiet for a while, she kept holding up her hand. 

"No I need to check if she get's home safely, if you don't mind." He said. "I can take her, you are a skinny kid. If I carry her we will get there faster," he gently got her off my back and on to his. She whined the whole time. While we walked I watched her carefully. Suddenly she poked Robin Hood in the cheek. 

"Are you real?" she asked him in a soft voice. Robin Hood was silent. "You aren't real are you? Just some guy rumble man sir face sent?" What did she just say? 

"No no, Greta, I am the real deal," Robin Hood said. "I remember I fell in love with your mother at first sight. That last night I saw her, I told her I want to be with her, marry her, have a family with her. But then I made the stupid decision to keep myself and her safe from the people here." Greta put her hand down and set her chin on his shoulder. 

"Am I who you imagined?" she asked him. I couldn't tell if she has sobered up yet, but she needs to fall asleep so whatever that granny put in her tea could work. "A selfish brat who only thinks about a guy?" 

"Who said you were a selfish brat?" 

"Remington told me, that I, um, that I..." she posses. "Where are we going?" she started to slur her speech. She looked around. "We lost Mason? How did I loose him?" 

"Greta, I'm right behind you," I said walking up closer. "Don't worry you didn't lose me."

"But I might," she said with a concerned look in her face. "I wanted to ask if you feel for me?" I didn't know what to say. 

It was the day that the kids from The Cursed Island are coming. My mother said I should make friends with them since my only friend is Wren. Wren didn't really care about who was coming. I tried talking to him about it but he just kept walking to his normal spot, with an apple that I'm sure he stole from the nice ladies in the courtyard. I decided to just join him today, bringing us two sodas. 

"Can you see that out there?" I asked him looking at the island. "It looks so old and gross. What do you think they do for fun there?" 

"Shoot darts at pictures of royals and through food at them. Or maybe hopscotch," he chuckled opening his bottle of soda. Soon we saw the ferry pull up and go under the cave. We chatted for a while then I went home to eat with my family. The next day was their first day of school. I kept my eyes out for the new students. While walking to my first class, I see her. I think she is the daughter of Gothel. She has long wavy black hair. I've never seen hair that black, only on a horse. She had sharp cheekbones and a nervous face that she was trying to disguise as serious. I couldn't help but watch her walk past me. All I could think about is how pretty she is. My heart felt in a way that I've never felt before. 

The class after lunch I walk in and see her sitting in the back by herself. I stood there for a second and got the courage to go sit next to her. "Hi, I'm Mason. Son of Merida." I offered her to eat lunch with me and Wren. I'm sure Wren might catch her attention because he's Wren and most girls like him, but my hope still stands. She agreed if her friends came. A small step is any step. 

The next day at lunch, I noticed her pay some attention to Wren, but I invited her to practice archery with me. I did remember my mom telling me a story the other night about her, Robin Hood and Gothel. She did pretty good the first day of archery practice. She wouldn't join the club but it looked as though she was having fun. 

Throughout the weeks I could see her and Wren starting to like each other. They some how passed out together and now they share the same tattoo. Wren said he could heal with it. When I tripped and sprained my ankle while we tried to wrestle, he actually healed it. 

To get noticed by Greta when she and Wren had some type of falling out, I decided to talk to her. The only thing I brought up was Robin Hood. I thought she would be interested to know about a possibility of who her father could be. I could even go find him with her if she ever wanted to. After her mother came, she was excited to tell me that the rumor is true and she is Robin Hood's daughter. 

Then Wren told me everything that is going on. And that he was going to let Gothel and Rumplestiltskin take him so they wouldn't bother Greta again. He believed Greta could find him and I did too. She has so much potential. I didn't want him to go through with it, but I didn't want Greta to leave. So I agreed. 

 Robin Hood got us into the shop and to the small room she has been sleeping in. She started to get drowsy as soon as we turned down the street the shop was on. He set her in her bed and said he will meet me downstairs. I took off her shoes and pulled the blanket over her. Everyone else was downstairs, Robin Hood was probably introducing himself or just looking at them awkwardly. I sat down next to her and looked at her sleeping. Even though she was somehow drunk on the potion, she slept soundly and beautifully. I sighed and stood up. Before I got far, a hand grabbed my hand and I turned to see Greta. She opened her eyes and sat up. 

"I never realized anything until today, Mason," She softly mumbled. "But there is nothing I can do and it's not fair." I am not exactly positive what she was talking about but I sat down next to her. "Why didn't you say anything these last few weeks?" 

"I couldn't say anything, Greta. We were out looking for Wren," I said staring at her hand still holding mine. "Wren is my best friend, I can't do anything or say anything while he's gone." She blinked slowly, I'm sure she won't remember this. She moved her hand away and grabbed my face with both her hands. 

"This is a one time thing for you, because I am thankful for you and I really do care for you," she mumbled. She closed her eyes and brought my face to hers with an awkward kiss. That immediate moment I wanted wrap my arms around her and extend the kiss but couldn't. This was a friendzone kiss. A kiss that says I need to move on and forget about her. She almost started to deepen the kiss but I moved away, afraid. She smiled at me and fell back down sound asleep like it never even happened. 

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