Chapter 5- The only cell

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Early in the morning, I peered over a corner to watch people guard the doors to the prison. Since all the bad guys have been summoned to the islands, the prison was weakly guarded, so it seemed like it would be fairly easy to sneak into and find Remmington. I woke up before everyone else, knowing they would try to stop me from sneaking in. The main spot with most of the guards was the front doors. I peered back around the wall and tried to find somewhere else, a back door or a big window. 

At that moment a man so happened to open a back door and left, heading home. I hurried through the door quietly before it shut. Luckily it was a heavy slow door. Walking in, I noticed it was a dimlight hallway, probably only for guards to go in and out for their shifts. I continued down the hall, turning corners, looking into each of the cells. All of them empty. This building is only one floor, so Remmy shouldn't be far. I was heading towards a turn when suddenly I heard voices. I paused and stood against the wall, listening to who was talking. It was just mumbles but I was catching words here and there. After a few seconds of listening, I felt as if I recognized the voices. Slowly peering over the corner, I could see Mason standing in front of a cell talking to someone in a cell. 

He then turned and looked at me, waving me over. How did he know I was here? I looked around one more time and walked over. "Why are you sneaking around, I legit just walked right in." Mason asked. Of course he walked right in. He's Mason, son of Merida. I'm Greta, daughter of Mother Gothel who is a runaway villain. When I got over I could see now that he was talking to Remmington. "I saw you sneaking out this morning and followed you. Now I see where you were heading to." Remmington was wearing an old t-shirt and jeans, clothes that were his. I thought he'd be in a uniform of some sorts. When he noticed me he smiled at me, but it was fake. he probably was bored out of his mine, going crazy. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He starts to tell me everything Heather said. "No that's not why I meant, why are you still here? You could easily say that Rumplestiltskin made you use the wand, even threatened you. And you aren't even the one that got the wand. Who stole it in the first place?" 

"You know if I say anything they won't believe me because I am the son of a villain. You should know," Remmington sighed. "I don't know who that guy was that gave me the wand, it wasn't the Huntsman, I know that for a fact. But I was spotted seen holding the wand. After you left to go find Wren, the parents were protesting to Rapunzel that I get locked up." 

"That's a load of crap that thy should suspect you for anything. Rumplestiltskin took the wand. I tried to take the wand as well, they would be getting me in here." 

"They're trying to," Mason interrupted. I looked over at him. "I noticed a sign that they have a wanted sign with your picture up. But it's not for working to steal the wand for Rumplestiltskin. It's for the kidnapping of Wren." I guess it wouldn't be wrong if that's why they are looking for me. "Stop." Mason said bursting my thoughts. Stop what? "It's not your fault, you had nothing to do with it, you were trying to stop it. You told me yourself." How did he know what I was thinking. I turned my body around looking at him in the eyes. 

"It's my fault because I didn't prevent it. I didn't think things through, I didn't communicate or work with others. It was supposed to be me that they took. If all they wanted was his precious little healing powers, then it would have been fine if I went. But now, because our powers are farther apart, we are feeling weak. And I know he is because I am starting to feel week too."

"Greta, stop blaming yourself for everything. Have you found Wren yet?" Remmington squalled at me. He was still quiet so no guards would come check on him, but he still made me jump. I looked at him with guilty eyes. "Because you are too focused on how it happened and what you should have done. You need to focus on how you are going to solve it." Was I becoming that annoying? I still don't know how I am going to solve it though. I looked at him while he glared at me. He was telling me this to help me, because where he's at now, this is all he can do. I stepped a little closer to the cell. 

I didn't know how to reply to that. It was just a slap in the face. I am just being pessimistic about everything. I remember walking the woods with Mason and just saying what I should have done, Blaming my mother for everything. How is he not sick of me? I sighed and turned to walk away. "Greta," Remmy called. I stopped walking. "You can find him. I'll get out of here. Our parents will be caught and we can go back to school and live the life we want to live." He was right. 

I continued down the hallway I came in, Mason following behind me. I need to go practice shooting. If I want to be noticed by Robin Hood, I need to not look like an amateur. If I want to find Wren, I need to listen to the advice from Remmington, Mason and anyone else who gives me advice. I need to clear our names. 

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