Chapter 41 Wren - Her birthday

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A hand caressed my cheek before pulling me closer to them. Soft lips planted themselves on mine and my eyes widened with sudden surprise. I quickly pulled away as Marielle wrapped her arm around my elbow. "Oh, Marielle, you made it..." I said clearing my throat. I'm still not used to her touching me and well, just not used to the thought of being in a relationship with her. 

"Hey, baby, how do you like my outfit for tonight?" She giggled before she did a full 360 so I could see her dress. She wore a coral ombre dress with a slit down the left side. Her hair was pinned up in what looked like King Triton's trident and she had sparkles on her face with seashell earrings. 

"Wow, um you look great," I said awkwardly. I've never had a girl ask me how she looked before. I don't know if what I said would offend anyone or not. Yet she grinned at me before hooking her arm on me again. I could feel the stares from Robin Hood and Mason, whom I forgot to mention Marielle to. I pursed my lips and made eye contact with Mason. His expression almost looks like he was going to burst out in laughter. Rumplestiltskin is probably playing some joke with this relationship. 

"Oh, you are with Mason? I didn't know you guys were still friends," She held her hand out to Mason waiting for him to take it. He looked at her hand and then back to me. She shook her hand as if she was trying to get his attention. He hesitantly grabbed it and leaned down to kiss the back of her hand. She smirked and brought her hand back. "Glad you guys made up, I guess. So I am a little late did I miss anything?" 

"Um, well they just walked out and started the party. So not much," I said. I looked down at her hand around me and thought of if anytime Greta and I were like this. She didn't seem like the public display of affection type but I secretly always wanted to be. With Greta, of course. All the guests were standing at small round tables with a candle and glasses of some drink on them. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know what kind of drink it is. Since Rumplestiltskin was in charge of this party, I assume, then I don't want to know what's in the drink. I glance over at Greta, wondering what she was doing. I didn't know it was her birthday, I completely forgot to ask her. Remington was leading her over to her friends,  yet she kept looking in this direction. Her expression was off. As if she was stumped about something. Was she looking for Mason? Her eyes were right at us, maybe she was looking at Robin Hood. I highly doubt she remembers him. No one else notices him. 

Marielle leaned into me, her face going closer to my ear. "Wren, who is that old guy standing with us?" she whispered, probably not very quietly. Both Mason and Robin Hood glanced over at us. Robin Hood scoffed at her question. I looked at them awkwardly before turning back towards her. 

"Marielle, this is my uncle," Mason chimed in. We both looked at him Mason sucked on his lips. "Rick. This is my Uncle Rick. From my dad's side." He put his hand on Robin's shoulder and chuckled awkwardly. Marielle slightly smiled at Robin. Robin slightly nodded his head towards her. 

"Nice to meet you, Meriel," Robin said politely. 

"It's Marielle, but same to you, Rick," Marielle responded with a hint of offense in her voice. I know for a fact that Robin said her name incorrectly to annoy her. I'm sure he knows how much she despises Greta. Even in this curse, I feel like Marielle still has the same feelings toward her. I looked over my shoulder again towards where Greta's friends were standing to catch a glimpse of her. I scanned through Remington, Hanna, Heather, and Shawn but no Greta. 

"Mason," a voice came from the crowd and all four of us turned in its direction. Greta squeezed her way through the crowd and stood in front of us. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was stunned in her blue and yellow dress. She stunned everyone in the dress. The expression that was on some of these people's faces when we walked out in Auradon colors was priceless. She looked around at everyone standing at our table.  

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