Chapter 38 Wren - 3 men's meeting

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"Why are you in my room though?" I asked Marielle. Still trying to take in the fact that she is in my room, a room that was locked, and kissed me. There is no way I am in a relationship with her. Right? 

"I told you, I've been waiting for you. We usually eat dinner together, but you weren't there. The cafeteria person said you took your food and left. I assumed you came here to eat but you weren't here. Are you avoiding me?" She asked me with puppy dog eyes. Of everything I learned today, this is the most confusing. I was not affected by the curse at all so I have no idea what I am missing out on. The longer I went without saying anything the sadder her face looked. 

"No, no sorry," I said. She sighed with relief. "I must have forgotten, lots on my mind." I waited for her to say something else. Instead, she grabbed my arm and led us to my bed. My bed? Why are we going to my bed? She sat us down and leaned onto my shoulder. I have no idea how to react to this. I guess we are in some type of relationship? I would have never expected myself to be in a relationship with her. Before I met Greta, Marielle was just a sweet girl I saw sometimes in the hallway. Her mother and my mother sometimes met for tea, but never at the castle. Always at Melody's place. My mom liked the view of the ocean. 

"Um Melody," I said after I cleared my throat. "How did you get into my room? Did I forget to lock it or something?" Why wasn't this my first concern? I swear I unlocked my room when I walked in, how did she get in? 

"With the key you gave me last week, remember?" She said without moving from my shoulder. I can't believe I gave her a key. I don't even know where to go to make a copy of one. Does she want something more besides this 'cuddling'? "Also, it was announced a few minutes before you came back that there is going to be a celebration for that girl's birthday. Everyone left is invited, of course, I doubt many of us will go." I have no idea what she is talking about. "So we are going to go together, alright?" 

"Who are you talking about? That girl?" I asked confused because I don't think my mind can comprehend anything anymore. She let go of me and turned to face me. I turned towards her too.

"The new princess," she said with a little bit of hatred in her voice. So that's the same. She didn't like Greta since I guess Greta and I got together. She pretended to be her friend. Then talked down to her after I, um, ended things. "Nobody likes her why is she throwing a birthday party tomorrow?" 

"It's her birthday tomorrow?" I asked, maybe a little too quickly. Thankfully she didn't notice and just nodded. I'm such a terrible person for never knowing her birthday. I guess we never had the time to really talk about it. I should have thought about it. Am I too selfish? 

"I want to show her," Marielle mumbled before putting her head back onto my shoulder. 

"Show her what?" I asked. 

"Hmm? Oh, my new dress. It's not made by Heather. It's so much better than whatever the VK girl comes up with," She got up and grabbed her purse. "I know I usually stay a little longer but I need to actually go get the dress from my grandmother's house. I've been staying at her place. Wanna come over?" The color flushed out of me. What does she want to do there? That's Ariel's place, I can't go there when she's not there. 

She started to giggle. "Your face is so cute!" She walked over to me and leaned down to kiss my lips. "I know you wouldn't want to go because my Grandmother isn't there right now. You are too much of a gentleman." She winked at me and then left my dorm room. I fell back onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I can not believe what's going on. 

The next morning 

I went to some place called "The Ugly Duckling", Robin Hood told me to meet him there in the morning. If I remember correctly, my mom knows this place. I think she knows the owners of it or the regulars. I got on my bike and zoomed on over. Thinking about the birthday party for Greta tonight. This doesn't sound like something Greta would want to do. She doesn't seem like a big party person. She was so nervous about that ball, mainly because my life was in her hands that night. Even when we danced together, I could tell she was nervous, all eyes on her. She is definitely not about attention. I feel like Marielle is. That's why she confronted Greta about me those times.  I can't believe Marielle has so much anger toward her. Even when Marielle has me now, she still doesn't like Greta. 

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