Chapter 35 Wren - Meeting Robin Hood

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I have officially met Robin Hood. Also known as, Greta's father. However, Greta doesn't remember that last part. Greta doesn't remember anything. She doesn't remember us. I have a lot to cope with right now. At the tip of the iceberg is my true love is in love with my best friend. I vaguely remember this alternate reality that we are in. I am missing what apparently is a whole month's worth of memory. However, it's only been a few hours. I followed Robin Hood into the woods. Why did I even save him before? I couldn't get to Greta in time to save her from this curse, but was it just because he was running right next to me? Mason told me she will find me, but I don't know what he means by that. 

"By the way, that was a cool trick you did, the whole shield thing," Robin said as we walked through the woods. I didn't say anything in reply. "Don't worry, I'm just as confused as you are," he continued. "But you probably need me. That's why you grabbed me, right?" 

"Why would I need you?" I asked. "Why did this happen in the first place?" 

"Couldn't tell you. Just a Rumplestiltskin plans that's all. He's probably still searching for something that Granny knew it was. That's why I'm going to go look to see if she's here. It seems he took all the royals and left the less prominent people who are incapable of stopping him." 

"Then why do you think Granny would still be here?" I asked him. She seems all-knowing and pretty capable of stopping him. 

"Granny cannot alter fate, she has to let it all happen. But she knows what will happen and may tell us what will be beneficial. If he knows about Granny, she'll be on the island. If not she'll still be here. Like me. If you didn't shield me, I'd still be here. Just without any knowledge of Greta," Robin Hood said. I don't know how Greta even found out about Robin Hood, so I wonder if he is a legend on the islands as well. 

"You go home, kid," Robin Hood said putting his hand on my shoulder. "You seem stressed. This is a lot to take in, I know. I'll meet you tomorrow and we'll discuss, alright?" I nodded until his hand tightened on my shoulder. "I've been meaning to say this. Since Rumplestiltskin made Greta forget about you, you should stay away from her." His tone changed to what I assume is a concerned father. "You already hurt her once. I don't want to see her cry again, got it, kid? She doesn't need you confusing her right now. Especially since we don't have a plan."

"Hey, my intention wasn't to hurt her," I said pushing his hand off of me. I don't want to stay away from Greta, I want her to come back to me. "It pained me to see her broken like that. I did it because I was thinking I was protecting her. Rumplestiltskin told me if I stay away from her, then he will keep her safe. So I did that." 

"You trusted Rumplestiltskin? Was she safe when you did that? Was she happy? No. She was upset, she was getting angry. Not at you but at herself. She second-guessed everything, feeling like a fool!" He argued back to me. "Rumplestiltskin got you away from her. Why didn't you just explain in the first place instead of breaking her heart and letting her doubt everything?" I'm not making a good first impression of Greta's father. I didn't really plan how I was going to introduce myself to him if I were going to ever meet him. 

"I've had this discussion before with Mason, with Greta, and even with my Mother. All telling me that we should protect each other. And that we have to do it together as a team," I stepped closer to him while I was talking. "Look what happened now. I told Greta the truth. I couldn't stay away from her and this happened!" I raised my arms out to the side. I told Greta Rumplestiltskin's plan and he cursed the whole village. Robin didn't say anything. 

"Now we aren't even together. She has no memory of us. When I saw her earlier she looked right through me. This is my punishment for hurting her," I replayed that moment in my head. She looked at me like she did the first time she came home. Then immediately smiled at Mason. How? Why did Rumplestiltskin make them together? Was it to hurt me? Because it worked. Before the curse, I had suspicions about them. Since they found me in the woods, I had suspicions. What happened while I was gone? 

"Listen, kid," Robin Hood interrupted my thoughts.  "I just learned I had a daughter not long ago. She called me dad. The feeling I had when she said that was indescribable. From that moment I knew I was going to protect her for the rest of my life. She is my daughter and I'll do anything for her. I only had her for a moment before she was taken from me. It was worse than when her mother was taken from me years ago. If you know the rumors, they were true. Gothel must have me and I understand her totally. I know Gothel more than Rumplestiltskin could ever love her. I'm going to tell you something I learned that I told Greta. Villains and heroes can't be together. It never works. Queen Mal and King Ben had their ups and downs. They may be the only exception. But he's the King, no one will step on him. You and me, everyone will judge." 

"I am not like them," I was scared he was right. "I can show them. Greta and I are meant to be together." 

"Maybe. Look hard it has been. Forces are keeping you both apart. Show me you are stronger. We can fix this. We'll plan something, okay? I'm going to search for Granny or something at her house. You go rest. Clear your head. Stay away from Greta until we have a set plan. Understand me?" Robin Hood asked me. I wanted to go with him and search for Granny. But he was right. My head was pounding and I was starting to feel drained. So I agreed. "Good, let's talk tomorrow." With that he walked away quickly disappearing into the woods. 

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