Chapter 9 - Arrow

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We entered the back of the small castle while I could hear people entering in the front. Mason led me through the back rooms to a dressing room. there we meet Merida and Rapunzel. Merida was wearing a gorgeous emerald dress. Rapunzel was in a purple floral dress with a slit. They both looked so gorgeous and I felt more out of place. 

"Greta!" Rapunzel exclaimed with excitement. "You look gorgeous! I'm so excited about tonight. We are making people aware that they can amount to anything. Then more people might keep their eyes open for Wren. And to honor you for trying anything and everything." she pulled me into a hug. 

"You did great at the competition, some of the best I've seen besides myself," Merida added. "And I have a feeling that Robin Hood was there. We'll see what happens tonight." I nodded at her and she left to go speak with Mason. Rapunzel left to go great the guest and announce my entrance. Merida left to go to the ballroom and Mason put his hand on my shoulder. 

"My mother says I could escort you in or you can go in by yourself. Which do you choose?" he asked me. With the fw nerves I have of people all staring at me, I could use someone to lean on. He held out his arm and I wrapped mine in his. "If the pressure of being the center of attention is too much on you, just yank my arm." We laughed and he put on his brown leather mask that matched his shoes and I put on my lace mask. 

Standing behind the door, I could hear the muffled sound of Rapunzel's announcing. She first apologized that Eugene could not make it as he is out with men in search for Rumplestiltskin and Gothel. Then she asked for a round of applause for the people who participated in the competition. Giving encouragement that people can strive for greatness. With everyone's help we could find Wren faster. Then she finally started to introduce me. I am staying a mystery, one of the reasons we had this party be a masquerade ball. Everyone can be a mystery. The horns sang and the doors open, with lights shinning in my eyes. Mason startedwalking us into the room. People cheered and Rapunzel smiled at me through her mask. 

I watched the people for a moment until the music started again. For a second I had a feeling of hope. These people are uniting to find Wren. Without their knowledge they are helping me, whether they believe I helped Rumplestiltskin or not. Everyone was dancing and laughing. Some smiled at me when I walked by them. Mason took us closer to where Merida and Rapunzel were standing and talking. 

"Greta," Rapunzel put her arm around me. "Enjoy this moment. This is what we do in Auradon, give hope so everyone can unite. Tomorrow we continue our search for Wren. I bet he trusts you and believes you will find him." Basically no pressure there, right Greta? No. So much pressure. Rapunzel was depending on me? Me? Daughter of Mother Gothel. My confidence levels were dropping dramatically. I couldn't even lure Robin Hood. Mason suggested we go dance. I mean my floral dress and his plaid suit might clash but, I'm here. 

We swayed on the dance floor in silence while I pictures Wren locked somewhere dark but with a smile on his face because he believes in me. But his smile quickly dropped when he realized I can't do anything to save him. "Greta, don't you agree?" Mason asked. I must have zoned out everything he said. I looked at his face confused. 

"Don't you agree that trolls jumping on trampoline's would be hilarious to watch?" He asked with a smirk. "You are thinking that you aren't able to save Wren, aren't you?" I nodded and put my forehead on his shoulder, busted. After running around like hopeful kids, I started to feel as comfortable with him as I am with Remmington, who used to be my only friend. "You don't need to do this all yourself. Eugene is out there with some of the finest men in Grimmland. Rapunzel has communicated with King Ben and Queen Mal about trying to bring Rumplestiltskin and Gothel out. You can just wait until Wren comes back." 

"I can't just let people handle it for me when I made this stupid mess. I need to talk to my mother. If I don't get Robin Hood, I'm probably the only one that can get through to her. Remmington can talk to his father. We can make things right. But Remmy is in the stupid prison and I'm here dancing..."

"Greta, take a breather. This night is to enjoy. And Wren would want you to enjoy it. I want you to enjoy it," Mason patted my back. I lifted my head and looked around. I started to feel stuffy. I needed to step outside. I told Mason I'd be back in five minutes and walked outside. No one was outside but the sound of the party inside was still going. I took deep breathes before I started pacing around. As I was about to take a step I heard a familiar sound of a bow releasing an arrow and it flying right in front of my face digging itself into the rock wall. The air caught in my throat and I looked at the arrow, gasping. Did someone just try to kill me?

"Who are you?" A deep voice said in the darkness. I looked around for someone but couldn't see. "Why are you trying so desperately to get my attention? How..." I heard rustling in a bush and a shadowy figure coming out in the moonlight. Still unrecognizable. 

"Why do you mean? Who are you?" I asked the figure. My mind was racing to conclusions, but I didn't want to be wrong so I tried to ignore that fact that this could be Robin Hood. 

"How did you make that shot with my crossbow?" He asked. This can't be. He's speaking as if he is Robin Hood. The arrow, his crossbow. Noticing I'm trying to get his attention. I didn't know what to say, he is finally in front of me. "Well," he finally came into the light. Tall, rigidly handsome. Wearing a hood like everyone says. "Who are you?" He shouted making me take a step back. I took a few seconds to collect myself. 

"I'm Greta," I said, putting my hands on my chest. I'm finally meeting my dad. "I'm your daughter."

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