Chapter 29- Ditch to visit the village

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"So this kid pushes you away for weeks on end and suddenly he brings you to a hidden room and you're convinced everything he did he was trying to protect you and your mother?" Remington said as we sat at our lunch table in the courtyard. I continued chewing on my sandwich while everyone looked at me like a blank canvas. I just told them everything I have learned and apparently, it's not that believable. "Don't you think the timing is off?" 

"I don't think there was a perfect time to decide to go beyond a threat and talk to me. He told me the room was enchanted and no magic could detect it so even if I was being tracked by Rumplestiltskin, he wouldn't be able to find me there. Of course, we met there he wanted to make it private in case someone gets hurt," I said. I was trying to defend him. I didn't think it was actually that weird of timing until Remington pointed it out. "I don't think he could take it any longer. When I walked in there he seemed anxious and nervous. When we finally got... close... I could tell he calmed down more. He had this burden of trying to fight Rumplestiltskin, trying to get somewhere before him, and it's not fair. This isn't his battle, it's ours." 

"Ours? When did we all become a part of this?" asked Yasmin with her snarky voice. "We just got here, we are already branded as that one girl's friend from the island." I looked at her, not surprised that she seemed unwilling to help. 

"Yasmin, this is Rumplestiltskin we are talking about. You grew up on the island with him. You went to his restaurant. Now he wants to take all magic as his own and become a master ruler. If anything, we need to protect these people. He's our fault as villain kids." I chimed in. Jordan and Miranda just sat and listened like they always do. They are usually team players, agreeing to anything we said. Yasmin does sometimes act like their posse leader. 

"Yasmin, these people are our people now. And I know you like them, I've seen you make friends with them. Think of Rumplestiltskin playing with their lives. He is tormenting not just us. This is my father," Remy's voice was angry and almost like he was scorning her. We always get a little nervous when he uses that tone. "My father wants to ruin everyone's life for power. And if I can stop him, I will. But I need help," He continued. 

Everyone was quiet. Yasmin poked at her food. "Rem I'm sorry that this is probably some mental shit you are going through. I am too scared to help," Yasmin stood up, grabbed her food, and walked away. I understand. I really do understand, I am also terrified. I probably feel like it was more my duty than she did. I sighed and put my fork down. I started to stand up when I tripped over my ankle and fell back down into my seat. 

"Greta, let me help you," Remington got up and came over to my side and grabbed my arm, and helped me up. He grabbed my tray and we walked to the garbage. "How are you doing Greta? You just briefly mentioned Gothel being locked up somewhere. How are you dealing with that?" He asked me. I haven't thought much about her, not going to lie. Too much has gone through my head. His bringing of that memory back made me sigh. He put his arm around me while we walked to our next class. 

"I haven't even thought about that. Oh my gosh, what I saw. She looked small and older. She needs our magic to help her stay young and healthy and Rumplestiltskin is keeping that away from her. If he takes the power from me and Wren, is he even going to help her? He has this sick obsession of her. He said so himself, he's doing this so she can recognize that he is powerful and all she needs. He wants her to fall in love with him. I know my mother would never love him." I know I'm ranting negatively to Remington about his father. I only have him to rant to. 

"Then it's a good thing you found your father. You said so yourself. When she talked about him, she only looked hurt that they were separated. She will understand why he never went to see her again. And your father is kind of hard to read but I'm sure he will help." Remington is always the compromiser and the thinker. Because we've both been caught up in romance we haven't had any alone time together and I miss him. We got up to my classroom and I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He patted my head before he wrapped his arms around me. 

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