Chapter 37 Greta - Cafe evening

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I waited at the cafe next to Heather's clothing shop, waiting for Mason. He's been gone all day "practicing." I feel like there is something he isn't telling me, Mason has never been a good liar. If he doesn't want to tell the truth, he just doesn't talk. Is that what he is doing right now? Is he trying to ignore me? I never pictured myself falling for a hero kid. I also never thought any villain kid would like me either, I have no idea who I would have ended up with, maybe Remmington. If Hanna and Remmington were never a thing. And they are surprisingly a strong couple. I wasn't expecting that since how they ended the first time. She must really like him to stop bullying me. We are actually good friends now. 

I ordered a hot chocolate and they gave me a slice of cake on the house. More of a "Please don't take any more of my family members away" cake. These people just don't understand I am not the mastermind or even a part of this. They just assumed because my mother and I moved into Rapunzel's castle. Not by choice. Rumplestiltskin made us all move into the castle. It's to bump his ego and power basically. 

The door chimed, indicating that someone either just left or entered. I looked over and watched Mason walk in. Finally, it's been all day. He smiled and waved then headed to the counter to order. I took a sip of my hot chocolate. I was sort of waiting for him to get here before I started. I felt the steam run along my face when I brought the mug up for a drink. After a minute or so, Mason finished ordering and came over, and sat across from me. He didn't kiss me on the forehead like he normally does. 

"How was practicing today, Mason?" I asked him, picking at my cake with a fork. "I missed you." I looked up at him, noticing that he has a little bit of dirt on his face. I picked up my napkin and handed it to him. 

"Good, I practiced in the forest and tripped over a rock. Hence the dirt on my face, thank you," He grabbed the napkin and rubbed the dirt off his face. "How was going back to school? Did you get anything from your dorm?" 

I stirred my spoon around in my hot chocolate. "No, I didn't really need anything. I just grabbed Hanna's nail polish that she asked for. Remmington got his cookbooks, he was kind of shy about it. He's like his dad when he cooks. Rumplestiltskin wasn't that bad of a cook on the island." Mason rested his head in his hand and listened to me. "Oh, and we found cookie dough in the kitchen though. I got a good size tub of it." I giggled. 

"Cookie dough? Are you going to make cookies out of it, then? I know you like chocolate chip cookies," Mason said. I didn't even think about making it, honestly. I was just going to eat it straight from the tub. 

"Hmm making cookies from it is not a bad idea. But I will probably just eat it straight from the tub," I took a sip from my hot chocolate. Mason had a small smirk on his handsome face from my remark. 

"Sounds good. Are you going to share with me?" I laughed at his joke. Well, it wasn't a joke to him but it is to me. 

"I share cookie dough with no one, babe," I smiled. The barista walked over and gave Mason his cup of tea. She glanced at us, almost looking a bit confused. They are probably wondering why Mason is with me. Not a lot of people accept that we are together. They probably think he should be fighting against Rumplestiltskin to bring the royals back. 

"Not even with me?" he asked me, knowing the answer but just to tease me. I shook my head and watched the woman walk away. Mason glanced down at the piece of cake I haven't eaten yet. "What about that piece of cake? Would you share that?" I forgot I had it for a second. I put my fingers on the plate and slid it over to him. Any other time I wouldn't share it, but since it was given to me by the barista, I don't want to eat it. "I was kidding, Greta, it's yours."

"It's fine, that barista gave it to me. I know the true intentions behind giving me the cake so I don't have any appetite for it," I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I could tell Mason couldn't think of a reason she would give me a slice of cake and I wouldn't eat it. "That slice of cake is to get on my good side. Thinking if they are good to me, nothing else would happen to their families. It's not like there is much I can do about it. I was thrown into this just as much as they were." I said. Mason's face dropped a little bit and looked back at the barista. 

"I'm sorry, Greta. I didn't realize people were scared of you," He said with a comforting tone in his voice. "I can go tell everyone that you are not a part of Rumplestiltskin's plan. That you were just thrown into the castle and have no influence over his decision-making!" Does Rumplestiltskin have a plan? I was wondering where he kept running off to, he literally is only in the castle maybe once a week. Mason stood up from his chair. 

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked him, sitting up to the edge of my seat. 

"I'm going to tell the barista that you don't need any pity pieces of cake to get on Rumplestiltskin because you are not the evil mastermind behind all of this," He said with too much confidence. I stood up and held onto his wrist. 

"Stop, it's fine. Leave it alone, I can handle people being scared of me. I'm used to it," I said. I let go of his hand. "Just eat the piece of cake. I want you to have it." I forked a piece of cake and held it out, with a smile on my face hoping it would entice him to eat it. He looked at it then hesitantly sat down. He leaned forward and ate the piece from the fork. We both giggled and I pushed the plate back towards him. My hot chocolate was almost gone by now and cooling off. He continued to eat, still looking at the barista. 

"Don't you worry what they say about you, Mason?" I asked him. He looked back at me confused. "They don't understand why you are hanging out with me. A villain kid who now roams the streets of the village freely while their parents are locked up on an island with the other villains treating them who knows how badly." 

"Greta, who cares what they think? What matters is just us okay?" He said, but I knew he was holding something back. I know him like we've been friends for years. Sometimes when he looks at me, I can see hurt in his eyes and I don't know why. I always wonder what people say to him when I am not around. Those who have seen us together and question our relationship. They question it so much that I start to question it myself. Why is he with me anyway? He seems so distant sometimes. Yet I can feel that his feelings for me are real. He is hard to understand. 

"I saw Wren today," I said to break the awkward silence. He looked at me surprised, as if he didn't think I even knew who Wren was. Of course I knew him, I just don't think I've talked to him since the Parents' Day ball. I'm pretty sure that's when he and Mason had a falling out. I never asked why, I was waiting for Mason to tell me himself. 

"Wren? Why did you see Wren?" He asked me awkwardly. 

"Um, just when we were walking back from the school. He was riding past us on his motorcycle," I left out the part that he stopped just to look at us. "I didn't know he had a bike. Did you know I've always wanted one? That's the only thing Wren has that you don't. Only thing." I laughed before taking the last sip of my hot chocolate. Mason didn't say anything and just looked at me. Maybe it was such a bad falling out he wouldn't want to talk about Wren. I started to feel a little bit guilty if that was the case. 

"Well, I think my mother told me she and Rumplestiltskin will be home to discuss something with me so I better go," I said as I got up and put my leather jacket on. Mason stood up too, still not saying anything. He came to me giving me a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye. I nodded in return and walked out of the cafe. I turned to look at him again. He is still staring into space. I sighed and headed for the castle. 

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