Chapter 6 - Preparation

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Whoosh. Bullseye. Well, slightly off but from most people's eyes, they would call it a bullseye. I don't want to be noticed by most people, I want to be noticed by Robin Hood. So it needs to be better. I put the bow down and gathered up the arrows and walked back, looked at my bow selection to decide which one I wanted to try next. 

"Greta, we've been here all day," Mason groaned. He was laying on a bench next to my stuff and has been watching me practice since we left Remmington in the morning. He left and bought us sandwiches for lunch, I finished it in five minutes and have been shooting ever since. "You are good enough to be noticed. Robin Hood would definitely feel inferior." 

"You are just saying that because you want to leave," I rolled my eyes at him. I looked over and Robin Hood's crossbow and picked it up. "Just one more shot with this and then I'll be done." I loaded it with an arrow and walked to where I shoot. Last time I shot this I got a pretty much perfect shot. This time, taking a deep breath before shooting, I got another close to perfect shot.

"Okay fine, let's go," I started packing up all the equipment. Mason slugged off the bench and stretched. "I'm getting hungry anyway. Want to go get something while I head back to the shop. I'm sure Heather should have our clothes done." He grabbed the bag of equipment from me and we headed to put it in the shed. After he put it all away, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist and we walked together to the village. "What do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked him. 

After Mason got us all dinner and we chatted about random things, while deep down I was stressing on how tomorrow is going to turn out. Mason suggested having a competition to see who could make a bullseye with Robin Hood's crossbow. He thought that the news of his crossbow being used in the competition would bring Robin Hood out into the public. After we discussed tomorrow they started sharing stories about each other's childhood. Mostly Heather and Mason would chat, I would just drink my soda and look at the clothes Heather made and hung for tomorrow. 

"Well, it's getting late. Greta practiced all day after talking to Remmy so I think we should get to bed," Mason said through his yawns. He got up and stretched while Shawn gathered up the garbage. I stood up to grab my things when a knock came to the front door. We all froze and looked at each other. It's 10 o'clock at night, the ladies that work here never come back late at night for anything. For the two weeks that Heather has stayed here, no one has even come to see her. Heather started to walk to the front door when Shawn grabbed her wrist to stop her. He pointed to his bag so I walked over and handed it to him. He opened his bag and grabbed a small metal cylinder. 

"What the hell is that supposed to do?" I whispered. "Is that supposed to be intimidating?" Shawn looked at me with no patience for me in his eyes. He lifted up the cylinder to show me as he pushed a button on top and it magically expands into a staff. One used in the type of fighting he trained for on the island. Taken aback I just motioned for Shawn to go ahead. He quietly tiptoed to the door and put his hand on the nob. I walked to look past the wall, Mason taking a step in front of me. The thoughts that were crossing in my mind were it's either the guards finding out where I was or maybe Rumplestiltskin and my mother coming for me. For any reason that they would need to use me. 

Shawn swiftly opened the door and raised the staff behind him about to swing at the person on the other side of the door just to see Hanna standing with wide eyes at a metal staff about to be pounded on her face. "Shawn! Wait, it's Hanna!" I yelled before he could lower the staff any more. He put the staff behind him and opened the door wider for Hanna to walk in. "I swear I saw my life flash in front of my eyes when the door opened to red-eyed Shawn about to pummel me," Hanna said with her hand on her heart trying to calm down. She looked back at Shawn with piercing eyes then smiled at Heather. She continued walking towards the back of the store when she saw me and Mason standing by the entrance to the back room. 

"Wow," she stunned. "I was beginning to think you were dead." I rolled my eyes and moved away from Mason. "And you have a guard dog I see." 

"He's not my guard dog. It seems like our guard dog is Shawn," I said following Hanna into the workroom. She stopped and looked at my dress that Heather hung. "What are you doing here late at night?" 

"Remmington told me to stop by, I was just with him. I was going to ask Heather and Shawn if they were planning on going to the masquerade thing tomorrow. What is a masquerade?" 

"It's a dance where everyone is wearing a fancy mask and clothes. Just like the ball we had a few weeks ago, but more mysterious." Mason said awkwardly in the corner. He walked over and grabbed the two masks set out for me and him. "It's an old tradition. Rapunzel is throwing the party for us to find Robin Hood." 

"Robin Hood? What is that? A bird?" Hanna asked. We all sat down again and explained our plan one more time for Hanna. Heather ended up falling asleep on Shawn's shoulder while he slept still in his position. Hanna was rubbing her forehead processing all the information and I was yawning while Mason and Hanna talked back and forth. He might have started out being awkward around them when we ate lunch together, but he seemed to slowly come out of his shell. Realizing now how similar we all are to each other. Lonely. 

"Listen, Hanna. I know it's a long story of the things that's happened the past few weeks but I'm exhausted and we have a big day tomorrow so I'm going to crash." I said stretching and heading to the upstairs room where we all sleep grabbed my things and went to the bathroom. After getting ready I opened the door to see Mason waiting on the other end of the hallway. 

"Are you okay?" Mason asked me. "Tomorrow is a big day. I don't want you to get your hopes up about finding Robin Hood. But I don't want you to lose hope either. Do your 110% tomorrow, okay?" I walked up to him and leaned against the wall. 

"I'm going to give my 120% tomorrow, whether I find Robin Hood or not. He will know what goes down tomorrow, so he will be keeping his eye out for me." 

"And your mother? Maybe she'll want to stop you from finding him because she doesn't want to find him."

"My mother doesn't know what I can do with a bow and arrow. I will also be masked tomorrow. I will be a Robin Hood so I can find a Robin Hood.  

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