Chapter 42 Greta - The day after

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"Greta, you and friends come inside please," Rumplestiltskin whispered to our table as we chatted at the end of the party. An embarrassingly long party where I had to dance with strangers who stiffened when they met eye contact with me. All I wanted was to spend time with my friends and Mason. I knew I would have to talk to Rumplestiltskin about my dress switch. I hope it is still worth it. Rumple and my mother, who stood behind him, walked away from our table and went straight to the castle. With a wave of his hand, the doors to the castle flung open before the Huntsman could get to the handle. 

"Well, this should be enlightening," Hanna commented, removing her arm from Remington's and taking the last sip from her drink. I sighed and stepped away from the table. Before I got to the castle, Mason called after me. 

"Greta, wait!" He yelled. "Want to walk together and talk?" He caught up to us and panted. The doors opened again and Rumplestiltskin stepped out. 

"Now, Greta. All of you," Rumplestiltskin demanded then went back inside. Mason looked at me confused and I just shrug my shoulders. I reached out and grabbed his hand so we could walk together. 

"Why is he angry?" Mason asked me. Everyone walked silently to the castle. 

"Probably because I'm not wearing the dress he wanted me to wear. I went against showing that I am part of his family by wearing his family crest," I said. "I don't know why he wants everyone with me. I can handle him." The huntsman opened the door and we all walked in, heading to the drawing room. There I find Rumplestiltskin standing by the fireplace and my mother sitting on the couch. We all walked in and my mother cleared her throat, indicating our presence. Rumplestiltskin looked away from the fire over to us. 

"Greta, deary," he started. "I gave you a beautiful dress, designed by this young lady," he motioned over to Heather. "Yet somehow, you walk outside in a completely different dress, that's an almost identical pattern. Can you explain?" 

"I think you just said it all, Rumple," I said. I was nervous about where this conversation was going to go, my nerves tightened my grip on Mason's hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mason look down at our hands. 

"Who gave you this dress you are wearing now, Greta? Why did you defy me and put that on instead? Your mother said when she walked out of your room earlier, you were wearing the dress I gave you." I tried to think of a reasonable answer. I couldn't expose Remington by saying it's the same dress but magically changed colors because he secretly also has magic. I didn't want to throw anyone else under the carriage by saying one of them gave it to me. 

"I found it. I stole it from Heather's shop. I assumed one of the ladies that used to work there made it," I lied. "I wanted to wear something I chose. Heather didn't even know I took it." I was hoping I took the pressure off of Heather that I may have accidentally put there when I said I got it from her shop. Rumple's eyes went over to Heather. 

"Is this from your shop?" He asked her. I looked at her hoping she'd play along. She nodded in response. I looked back at Rumple. "Did you know she took it?" 

"Rumple it's just a dress," I interrupted. "Tonight wasn't even about me, it was about you. I wanted to do something for myself. Something that was my decision, because it's my birthday." He looked at me and I studied his expression. He then looked at everyone else in the room. He stepped closer to me. 

"You will not see your friends anymore," he demanded. I was appalled that he was trying to boss me or parent me. "Do you understand? You have a role in our new rule, you cannot defy me, deary." I looked over at my mother who hadn't moved from the couch. She was expressionless still. I look back at Rumple with disgust. 

"You can't tell me what to do," I challenged. We glared at each other. He might not have expected me to talk back. But he isn't someone to tell me who I can and can not see. He has been prancing around like he has his hands on the reins that control everyone's lives. 

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