Chapter17- Towered WREN POV

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I blinked my eyes and in a split second, we were somewhere in the woods. Rumplestiltskin had a tight grip on my arm as they started walking. Realizing now I know I didn't really think this through but it's better for Greta to not be here. They started talking about where something was. Gothel was telling him where it is and then he snapped his fingers again and the forest became a stone-walled room. There were a bunch of paintings on the wall that looked like they've been there for a few decades. Everything was covered with white sheets and dust. I coughed when I breathed in, my lungs probably started to fill up with dust that was floating in the air. 

"Are you sure this place is safe to stay in?" I asked them, coughing the words out. Rumplestiltskin and Gothel just looked at me with disappointment. He snapped his fingers again and the dust disappeared to thin air and the sheets flew off the furniture. There were bookshelves, chairs, and a big bed. There was a big standing mirror in the middle of the room that has been shattered. Gothel stopped and stared at the broken mirror. Suddenly a sheet fell back down on top. 

"Stop thinking about it. Good thing you hid this place well beforehand. No one has been here and no one will be here. Now deary," Rumplestiltskin walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "You probably know how it works. Physical touch and sing your little song and your work is done until Gothel needs you again." Gothel cleared her throat, walked over to me, and put her hand out. Am I supposed to hold her hand? Hesitantly I grabbed her forearm lightly and sang the flower's song. I saw the rush through her and she suddenly looked almost ten years younger. This was why she kept my mother, huh? I took my hand away and walked away. 

After a few days of sitting in what I figured out to be a tower. Probably the tower that my mother grew up in, I explored the small space some more. The room I was in was separated from where Rumplestiltskin and Gothel would stay. When we got here there was a curtain that separated my room from the stairs that led to their room. Now it's a door that I guess Rumplestiltskin made. This is definitely where they kept my mother. A drawing above the bed looks just like her sitting in a tree watching lanterns in the sky. 

"Boy, come sing for me," Gothel demanded one night. I got off the bed and put the book down that I was looking at. I walked down the stairs to find Gothel looking at the fireplace while sitting in a chair. Without looking at me she lifted up her arm, waiting for me to grab it. Hesitantly I grabbed her elbow and started to sing the song. "Flower gleam and glow. Let your flower.. shine.." for some reason once I started singing I started to feel light-headed. "Make... the..make the clock..." suddenly I felt weak and I fell to the ground.

I could see through blurred vision, Gothel standing up from the chair and Rumplestiltskin walking over. The next thing I know I wake up still on the floor, Rumplestiltskin and Gothel are gone and my body feels weak.  I slowly get up, trying to make sure I have a good balance. When I turn around I see Rumplestiltskin watching me. 

"It's only been a few minutes, don't worry kid. I have a feeling because this is a newly discovered ability of yours, it's a bit weak," Rumple said. I didn't want to say that it could be that it is only half of the power and the other half is hopefully safe at school staying out of trouble. "So Gothel told me the story of how she discovered the precious flower used for healing. We are going to go on a quest to find it. Come with me, I will give you a gift for being willing to help us." He popped us into the village. I followed him to a small pub, he was going to let me go in by myself and eat as he is a wanted villain. Before I went in there he put a spell on me to make me unrecognizable. I looked the same but as soon as someone looked at me they wouldn't be able to figure out if they recognize me or not. 

I decided since I am in there by myself and he is giving me a bit of freedom as he stands outside watching me through the window, I could take this opportunity to leave a message for Greta hoping she would come here. If she is out looking, she could possibly stumble across this place. And all my hope with her because I believe in her. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to say, almost to the point that I am surprised Rumplestiltskin didn't burst in and drag me out of there. We then started walking towards where I think the tower is. We met Gothel along the way. She went and got some supplies that they might need. 

"You will lead us where exactly?" Rumplestiltskin asked. They started chatting and arguing about where they should go and needed to go. I think he mentioned something about creature forest. Which I thought was just a myth. I decided to grab the knife that I took from the restaurant and carved the star that's tattooed on our hands into the trees. I did it as quietly as I could so they wouldn't notice. After doing just a few trees, I noticed the argument was coming to an agreement and I put the knife back and stood near them acting as nothing happened. 

"Now I am going to put an invisible barrier around this place so no human can see this area or stumble across it. That's where Gothel went wrong in the first place," Rumplestiltskin said. Gothel had her arms crossed and rolled her eyes. "It can't be very big or it will be recognizable. Let's go to the tower." He did his little magic poof to the tower. I sat in the chair while they told me where to bathe and wash clothes. And that they will come back regularly with food and whatever they believe that will give my power strength. Unless they come back with Greta, they will be unsuccessful. Hopefully, before they find any leads, Greta will come first. 

After they left and I found the extra stairs that go to the bottom of the tower, I hurried to see if the trees I carved were inside the barrier or not. If they weren't, someone will find them. If they are, then I just wasted my precious carving skills for nothing. Just my luck, the trees I carved are barely outside of the barrier. If anyone, somebody would just walk by and see it, they might discover the barrier. Days went by when I would sit next to the barrier and watch animals. One day I wanted to see what happened when I threw a rock at it. The rock went right through. That's when I remembered he said no human could go through. One day I watched an older woman slowly walk by. It almost looked as if she was walking around it like she knew it was there. One day when she walked by she stopped right in front of me and looked directly at me. 

"I can't see you, but I know you are there, child," she said. "Have patience. See that man over there?" She pointed to a guy in a green hood looking around. "He will lead your fate here." I don't know who these people are. "When she does come, lead her to Granny, you understand? Wren?" She knew my name. There is something off about her but I trusted her. Why did I trust her? Beats me, I just went with my gut. I looked over at the guy in green. He carried a bow and arrow with him and had strong arms. I couldn't see his face but when Granny got up to him, he acted as if they were familiar with each other. Maybe he's Robin Hood. Mason mentioned him once. 

I am sure it's only been a week since then that I decided to sit next to the barrier. After looking around my mother's room from her childhood, I decided I wanted to draw or write something. Document what I see in the forest maybe. Things that Rumplestiltskin and Gothel say when they think I'm not paying attention. One day I couldn't think of anything, I decided to just draw the tattoo until I felt as if I perfected it, sometimes adding some details. Faintly in the distance, I heard talking. 

"Mason," the voice said. I looked up from my book and saw three people standing near one of the trees I carved. It's her. It's Greta. I wanted to shout her name and make sure she knew I was here. But the more I shouted, the more I realized that nobody could hear me. I couldn't hear much of what they were saying until I got closer. They were arguing about something. 

"Why did I ditch my fall break of relaxing away from school to trample through the woods with some girl I just met a few months ago? For a girl that only has eyes for one person. Why did I have to introduce myself to her in the first place if I knew she was just going to only glance at me. Why did I ask my mom questions that I was curious about because I was only thinking of her? I don't know, it's all just for a friend's benefit, right?" Mason started to raise his voice. It sounded to me that he was saying he had feelings for her. I watched their expressions. They started to argue when I looked over at Shawn who actually found a carving. He got Greta's attention and she recognized the flower. That's when I grabbed my notebook and pen to write to them. 

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