Chapter 21- Still the apple thief

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Everyone stayed with me all night. At one point I told them everything he said to me. Remington acted like he was the biggest jerk in the world that if he ever saw him he'd beat him to a pulp. I believe he can do it, but I can't let him do that. I know Wren is lying about something. But the words still hurt. "it's nothing but the pull of little flower magic. That's it."  That's not it. Maybe it really is because of my mother but he didn't want me to think that. Or maybe being away from me, he realized we weren't the ones attracted to each other, but just the flower. I was worried about that in the first place, now it's real. 

I woke to the sun in my eyes and Remington, Hanna and Shawn spread out on the foot of my bed or on the floor. They were worried that I would drain my energy. I already was tired from healing the two guys Robin Hood shot but now breaking up with Wren, that's now emotional and physical energy draining. But I had to get up. I can't just let this take over me and sob in a pillow all day. I have to live a normal life. While watching out for any signs from Rumplestiltskin and my mother. I couldn't keep Wren safe the first time, but I probably can the second time. And everyone else. 

I got out of bed and kicked everyone else awake. They yawned and stretched, probably sore from sleeping in awkward positions. "Greta, did you sleep?" Remington asked me with a sluggish voice. 

"Yup I did. And I am ready to start school, move on," I said going through my drawers looking for something to wear today. While I took out my top and skirt the boys stretched while walking to the door. 

"We're going to go get ready then meet you guys at our usual table. Maybe have the other kids join us if that's alright," Remington said. He gave Hanna a quick kiss on the forehead and came over to me for a hug. He was the only person I hugged growing up, never my mother or Uncle Rumple. It was as if he gave me energy through a warm hug. Shawn patted me on the head and followed Remington out. He still hasn't warmed up Hanna yet. She can be a little extra sometimes so I guess I understand. 

As a teenage girl who is going through a breakup, I wanted to show that I don't need him. Whether it was my fault or his that we broke up, I want him to regret it when he sees me. Awkwardly I turned around and looked at Hanna who was brushing her hair and picking out her makeup. I walked over to her vanity with my arms behind me. "Hanna.." 

She sighed and turned in her seat looking at me. Her blank face turned into a suspicious smirk. "You want me to make you look like the hottest girl who doesn't need a man? Am I right?" She smirked. She looked back at all her makeup and began to pick out lipstick, eye shadow, and other things I don't know the name of. "I'll set these aside for you, but first, a badass outfit," She walked over to my drawers and looks at all my clothes.  She approved of the top and skirt that I already picked up but then added fishnet tights and a belt. I grabbed a few necklaces and rings as well. "He is going to regret every decision he ever made to break up with you. It is weird that he did that though. While he planned behind your back to make sure you were safe, he kept saying nothing would stop him from loving you. I wonder what change," She handed me the clothes then went to her own closet and got clothes for her. 

The new kids from the island found us at our table right away

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The new kids from the island found us at our table right away. Yasmin was already complaining about a goodness class they have to take. One that maybe they believed the four of us didn't need to take. 

"Greta, who knew you could look like you have an actual sense of fashion," Yasmin said as she looked at my clothes. "What are you trying to prove?" 

"And why do you think I have something to prove?" I asked bluntly. I have something to prove but she doesn't need to worry about it. "Why don't you go run off to your little goodness class and learn how life really works here?" Remington put his hand on my shoulder making me turn to look at him. He gave me the look he usually gives me when I'm overreacting or being too much.  

"Wait is it because of that guy that always has a stern look? You know, the one that helped show us around yesterday. I have a feeling he doesn't like me," Yasmin said while stting down across from me, taking Shawn's usual spot. He came back from getting a water and looked at him with a hint of anger. Will I ever get used to her being here? She's a year younger than me but still she erks me. "Oh right, Wren." I looked at her with the mention of his name. I hate that just the sound of his name makes me race. 

"I found out yesterday that he was the handsome guy that you help kidnap," She laughed. I put my hands into fists and under the table. "Was it just because he is Rapunzel's son that you helped your mom? Romeo and Juliet but one sided." 

"Yasmin," Hanna chirped. "Look your little childish don't work here like they did on the island. Go to class, you'll figure it out." I looked over at Remmy's watch to check the time. I have a few minutes to go get something to eat for breakfast. I got up from the table, grabbed my wallet and headed for the small fruit stand. While I was walking there, someone came up to talk to the ladies. Giving me a weird flashback to when I first got to Grimmland. I stopped walking and took a deep breath. Don't think about him. I started walking again when i notice the person grab an apple and put it into an open pocket of his backpack while still talking to the ladies. They didn't notice of course. The guy was low key doing a great job at flirting. They waved to him as he started to turn around. No wonder the apple thief made me think of him. Because it was him. 

Wren turned around and starting walking in my direction. He stopped when our eyes met. Instead of looking sad or that I miss him, I looked away and continued walking to the fruit stand. After a second he started to continue walking  the opposite direction. We got close and finally side by side. I kept my gaze forward, I could feel when our hands were close to touching that the tattoo on my hand was starting to warm. It wanted to be close to it's other half, but it couldn't. I folded my arms and kept walking, making the feeling on my hand go away. I felt eyes on me, whose every eyes they were, I wasn't going to turn around and find them. I got to the table and got my pineapple. Heading back to the table, Yasmin, Miranda and Jordan were already gone and the rest were waiting for me. 


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