Chapter 28 - Rumple's plot

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"I was about to say I deserve that until you kissed me. I'm not sure I deserve that one," Wren chuckled to himself. He put his arm around my back and helped me to the couch in the middle of the room. I must have walked too fast to him as my ankle is throbbing in pain. After I sat, he followed after studying my expression. 

"What caused those actions, Greta?" He asked me with a calming voice. I thought back to the last five minutes. My actions acted on themselves. "What are you thinking?" I studied his face. I couldn't believe he actually went along with Rumplestilskin. 

"Why did you lie to me to protect my mother?" I asked. He looked at me surprised and confused. "I just had a type of vision or message from Rumple about how he has my mother trapped and that you made a deal with him or else he would hurt her and me. Why would you do that?" I asked. It's a question I've been wondering about for months. Why did he do anything? Why did he go with my mother and Rumple when I tried to prevent that. Why he ignored me when I found him? Now I know he was threatened too but he did it so well.

"She's innocent in this, Greta. I learned everything is Rumplestiltskin's plans. Your mother did it so she could come back to the mainland. Besides she's your mother. I know you love her. And I..." He paused. "I love you. I wanted to protect you and her." I sat motionless for a moment. I know this isn't the first time he has said it to me, but after all the doubts and emotions I had the past month or so, I was actually beginning to believe that it was all a lie. I didn't believe anyone could ever love me until I met Wren. I jump at the sudden touch on my leg. He put his hand on my knee and I quickly moved it away out of reflex. 

"Sorry," I whispered. "I was just startled. Wasn't expecting you to touch me. I'm still processing," I stuttered. I just learned that he doesn't actually hate me so all the fighting and stern looks were fake. Possibly more painful for him than they were for me. "Just tell me more about his plans, Wren."  

"Well to start, Rumplestiltskin is on a hunt for a certain flower. He didn't tell me what it was but according to him, it can drain powers for those who digest it. He's going to make a tea and take the powers from everything that has magical abilities." I'm not as shocked as I thought I would be. Of course, he wants to be the only powerful man alive. "Do you understand Greta?" Wren interrupted my thoughts. 

"What? Of course, I understand. He wants to be the most powerful man in all the lands. Like he always did," I said. 

"Yeah, that's true. The people he is after don't just include people like Fairy Godmother and Mal. Greta, it includes us too." I looked at him. I thought about what would happen. Nothing, I would be back to normal. "It's different for us. While most power includes energy, their magic energy will only drain their magic energy. They will be normal, weaker, but normal." I looked at his worried face. This time I didn't move away when he put his hand on mine. "Greta, drain out powers will take all energy to the point that it will kill us." 

I jumped up. "Are you making this up to scare me?" I didn't want to believe but deep down I knew I did. "Yeah, we get weak faster unless we are together. But we were fine until we woke it up. Why can't we go back to that time?"  

Wren stood up with me and put his hand on my back. "I went to Granny. I overheard you guys talking about her outside of my barrier when I was trapped in the tower. I knew she would have the answers. When I told her the plan, she told me this. She said our spirit is alive because of the flower we have woken up. We need it to survive." I slowly sat back down, Wren quickly following. So Rumplestiltskin was using us. He didn't want to wreak havoc on Grimmland, he wanted to rule it. And if he finds it? What will he do? 

"You don't need to worry Greta, he doesn't know about your powers. I denied it every time. I told him I'm the only one with the abilities. And that the tattoo we both have has nothing to do with it. It was because we wanted to get one together. You are out of it completely, please don't worry," Wren soothed. Don't worry? Oh, don't worry he says. He's doing it again. Sacrificing himself for me. I pushed his chest. 

"Are you mad?!" I exclaimed. "You are the one in danger Wren!" my eyes started to water. He's on the frontlines to be drained of life. "If he finds that flower, Wren, I won't have you anymore!" I cried while continuing to push him. He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. "I lost you once," I muffled into his chest. "Promise me you will stay safe." 

Wren patted my head. "I promise," He calmly soothed. It's been a while since I've been fully emersed in his arms, and it's been too long. 

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