Chapter 19 - Break the barrier

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After I left Remy to comfort Hanna, I walked down the street for flower shops or fragrance shops. I either have to rub lilacs all over my body or find a fragrance that smells like lilac. The first option is kind of a last resort so hopefully, I don't have to do that. I would prefer if I didn't have to find a pegasus in the first place. 

While walking I couldn't help but think about kissing Mason last night. What in the world did that old Granny give me that made me do that kind of thing? After discovering that he potentially has feelings for me. I am the worst person. I don't know when I can ever look at him in the eyes again. 

"Greta," my name was called from in front of me. I took my eyes off the sidewalk and saw Mason standing across from me. It's been two hours, yet he's already back from the museum? I stopped walking and looked away. 

"You're back," I said awkwardly. "Did  you find anything?" I went back to staring at the ground. I could sense that he also wasn't looking at me. "I just came back from the library. I did some reading, um..." The atmosphere was so awkward, you could smell it. 

"I found something, but it was quick Queen Mal was coming to check new displays and I didn't want her to see me looking at her stuff. I think We can open it but only a small part for a few minutes. Where is Remington?" He asked me. I looked at his hands that were clenched into fists. He was too awkward and I felt so bad. Why did I do that to him?

"Um, I just left him and Hanna on school grounds--"

"oh there they are," he interrupted and walked right past me. I turned around and saw that Remmy and Hanna were coming this way. I thought they would be talking for ages. I slowly follwed up behind. Remington greeted us and they started chatting. 

"Thanks for going all the way out there to find a spell for me. Did you learn something?" Remington asked Mason. 

"Yes, I even took a picture of it. I'll send it to you, look through it and when you feel comfortable we can go get Wren," Mason pulled out his phone and got Remington's number to send him a picture of the spell. "The sooner the better, it's been so long. And I feel so bad asking this huge favor from you."

"No problem, Wren asked me to help him in the first place so I should help him out some more. Honestly," Remington gave Mason a dark stare. "I'm surprised you want him back so soon. After all this time you've been spending with Greta. You were getting kind of selfish, weren't you?" What is he talking about? Mason glared back. 

"What do you mean, Remington?" Mason asked him. Hanna looked at Remington nervous. She probably recognizes that Remmy was being serious. "Are you trying to say that I dragged on this search for Wren to be with Greta?" 

"Didn't you?" 

It was silent. I'm sure Remington is just overreacting as my best friend. I stood between the two and looked back and forth. "Guys, let's just move on--" I tried to break the tension but Mason interrupted. 

"Wren is my best friend and I wanted to find him too. Sure, there were times I just wanted to be just me and Greta. But I knew I couldn't so I put her and Wren before me. Do you even know how that feels? Sure you secretly dated Hanna but you didn't watch her fall in love with your best friend." I mean that would be me and I do not want Hanna to fall in love with me. 

"If Hanna did, I would have backed off and let Hanna do what she needs to do. Sure you were helping Greta find Wren, but would you have done it if it wasn't Greta or would you have gone on your own?" It was silent again. I sighed at the stupidity of this arguement. "I also wouldn't kiss her when she is vulnerable." 

"Okay, Remmy that's enough," I butted in knowing that this wouldn't end well. "First of all, that was all my mistake. The Granny gave me something for my aura or whatever and it made me a little tipsy. That's on me not him. Second of all, we don't have time for this. I know what you believe Remington and I apologize to Mason for what I did last night. But we are this close. We just need Wren back then next week we can return to school try to have a normal life and let the higher up people like Rapunzel or even King Ben deal with Rumplestiltskin and my mother." 

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