Chapter 14- Granny

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We made it back out of the forest just in time to meet with Robin Hood at the Ugly Duckling. As we walked in the owner recognized us and quickly took us to a table. "3 for tonight?" He asked. I shook my head and told him we might be expecting one other person. I'm not sure if he will show up but I have to have hope. He said he'd bring us water and then take our order. I told Shawn about the delicious food we had last time and that I would probably order the same thing again. After a few minutes, he came back with our waters, took our order then asked how the search for Wren is going. 

"We might be getting closer to finding him but not positive," I said with a hint of hope. He smiled at me and then left. 

"When is Robin Hood going to show up?" Mason asked me impatiently. I looked at him with an expression that I hope he read as I'm tired of your attitude. "I am trying to believe you, Greta. I really am. And I know I'm the one that brought up the whole Robin Hood thing. But I just hope you found the right, Robin Hood. Not a fake trying to take advantage of you." 

"Who would want to take advantage of me by pretending to be Robin Hood when no one but us knows who he is to me?" Mason looked at me not knowing how to reply. Suddenly I felt the presence of someone sitting down next to me. I look over, surprised, and almost scared, to see Robin Hood. His face was the same but he was not dressed like Robin Hood. 

"Robin?" I asked, worried it might be someone else. He looked at me and nodded in agreement. I looked at his clothes, surely no one would suspect him to be a hooded legend. "How long have you been here?" I asked him. 

"Over an hour. Contemplating. But I came to the conclusion that I must help you, only to protect you from the people of Grimmland. I know sooner or later they will turn on you, and when they do, I will help you," He said before taking a sip from the cup he brought over with him. It must be an alcoholic drink by the way he was gulping it down. "So who are your little friends?" 

"Oh, this is Shawn and Mason. Shawn is from the island, the son of Shan Yu. And Mason, from here, is the son of---"

"Merida. I know, I have met with her. She speaks very highly of you, Mason," Robin Hood interrupted. "When I first came to Grimmland, she saw me when she was out practicing. She told me if I need to stay hidden, I'd need to use weaponry in the woods that won't be recognizable, that's another reason why I had it charmed, so if someone were to find it they couldn't use it. Her idea also." Mason had a look in his eyes of awe. He finally realized it was the legend, Robin Hood. "Maybe someday, I could help you with your archery, Kid." Mason nodded. The owner came over and gave us our food and looked over at Robin Hood. 

"Ain't ever seen you before, where you from sir? You with the island kids?" He asked Robin Hood, he was suspicious of him. I guess this town is so small, he could recognize everybody. Robin Hood smirks stands up and holds out his hand. 

"Well, I'm Hanson sir, I'm from Auradon, here to visit my friend, this kid's mother, Merida. She's in a meeting now so I came to chat with him. They recommended this place. Compared to Auradon, it's not too bad," Robin Hood bluffed. He kept his hand out waiting for the owner. The owner looked at his hand and back at him. I could see Robin Hood's jaw clench, nervous that he was going to be found suspicious. Then the owner smiled and took his hand. 

"Well come more often Auradonian, we are all family here. I'm hoping someday to open a restaurant in Auradon. One that the King and Queen could go to," He chuckled and walked away. Robin Hood sighed and sat down. "Hurry and eat. Then we'll talk after you are done." We hurried and started to eat our food. After about 15 minutes we started finishing one by one and I finished my glass of water. 

"So, it's getting dark outside, you sure you want to go find the carved trees?" Robin Hood asked us while I cleaned my face off with a napkin. 

"We already went," Mason said. "We found the carved trees. Figured out the reason you would get lost there is that there is an indivisible barrier around a tower where Wren is at. He could see everyone around the barrier but no one can see him." 

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