Chapter 31 - How to find Mason

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When I got out of class Wren was already waiting for me sitting on the bench. My heart raced to see him waiting for me. I shouldn't be going crazy over something like this. Once he noticed me come back out he quickly walked over to me. "How is your ankle? How are your ribs? Are you sure it was okay for you to start practice again?" He frantically asked. I reassured him that it was all fine, just a little pain but not a lot. Asked if I wanted to sit on the bench and talk right there but I shook my head. 

"Listen, I've been trying to find Mason all day. I even went to your room and knocked on the door this morning. I just need to talk to him," I said while we exited the gym. I didn't know where we were heading but we just walked. Together. Lately, I'm just watching him walk away. I felt the throb back into my ankle and started to limp. I slowed the walking and Wren matched my pace. 

"Why are you looking for him?" Wren asked me. He turned the corner without me noticing at first and I limped quickly up to him. He noticed my struggle and held out his hand. I stopped and focused on his hand. Strong tan hand. I remember his skin being soft and how our hands felt like they belonged together. Before I could decide what to do, He took my own hand and wrapped it around his elbow. "Greta, you are limping. Let me help you." I hesitated before I stepped closer to him, looking down at the ground.  He led us to the library. "We can talk in the private room, magic will block anyone and anything to be able to see or hear us."

When we got to the secret room in the library, Wren led me to the couch and put my bag next to it. He bent down and put his hand on my ankle. I quickly grabbed his hand, knowing that he was trying to heal me. "No, I have to heal naturally," I said with worry in my voice.

"Greta, it's been long enough. You showed them today you are practically all better. I hate to see you limp for a few more days. It will be fine," Wren said trying to free his hand from mine. I thought for a second. I was fine most of the day until I tripped. Maybe it is okay. I let go of his hand to let him continue. He placed his hand back onto my ankle, a slight stang shot through my foot. Then he started singing the song. A glow flowed through the highlights in his hair. I felt the warmth on my ankle then all of a sudden the pain was gone. He stood up and sat down next to me on the couch. "Now, why are you looking for Mason? Is it something personal?" 

"No, not really. I just want to apologize to him. I haven't been a good friend to him, I think, in the past few days. I know I can be self-absorbed and I guess I didn't recognize how helpful he was," I sighed. He sat next to me, not making a comment. I bet he knew how Mason really felt about me. I don't even know how I felt about him. Did I feel for him the way I do about Remington, as good friends, like a brother? Or did I feel for him the way I did, do, for Wren? I don't think I could feel the way I do with Wren with anybody else. I side-eye looked at Wren to find an expression. I couldn't read his face. "I want my friendship with him back," I added. Wren sat back and sighed. 

"I do too," he mumbled.  I glanced at him confused. "Since I came back, I didn't say shit to him like I wasn't saying to you. Fearing if I said something Rumplestiltskin, he would hurt someone. So we fought. I guess I need to apologize to him too. I am no longer distancing myself from everyone anymore. It did more damage to my relationship with people than Rumplestiltskin would have done." He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and sighed. I didn't think about what he was going through. I was madder at him. He lied to protect people even though I wanted us to work together. Then again I would act on my own too. Guess we both have problems working as a team. 

"Well, where did you see him last?" I asked him calmly. We need to be calm so our minds can clear. He kept looking down. He was Mason's roommate so he has a better chance of seeing him last than I do. 

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since yesterday morning. He didn't say anything while we were getting ready for the day. Then he left before me and I haven't seen him since," He tensed a little. I started having a bad feeling. Wren stood up from the couch and paced. "It's because I told you about Rumplestiltskin, it has to be." 

"Wren, don't jump to conclusions," I try to chime in but he kicks his backpack making me jump in my seat. "Wren!" He paced some more. 

"I said something to you, somehow Rumplestiltskin must have known, he must have been watching. And now my best friend is missing!" He raged. 

"We don't know that! Like you said how you've been distant with him. Maybe he went somewhere, to his mom's house or even with his uncles." I tried to help. Wren looked at me, I could see his chest rise and fall as he breathed. 

"Why did you think of that before I did?" He asked. "Mason would go to his uncles' houses whenever he wanted a break from school. I knew that. Why didn't I think that?"

"Because Rumplestiltskin is in your head. He wants you to go mad. He is fogging your thoughts." It was quiet for a moment until Wren turned to look at me. I couldn't read his expression. I worried about his life in the tower and how he might have been treated. Rumple really got to him. 

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked. I nodded my head waiting for him to say something. "Did anything happen between you and Mason?" I didn't say anything, hesitating. I don't think I have anything to hide. "What was your relationship like with him while you were with him 24/7?" Wren asked making me glance back at his face. "When you first stumbled across the barrier, you guys were arguing. It sounded almost as if Mason was confessing to you. What happened?" 

I thought back to that day in the woods. We were arguing, probably because everything that came out of my mouth was about Wren or how I'm a terrible person for letting something like that happen. And he just sat there and listened to the girl he likes only think about his best friend. That's why I need to apologize to him. Because I was blinded by my own feelings to realize him and when I did realize his feelings, drunk off tea Greta kissed him. Then when Wren came back, I was indifferent towards him. He went through that alone with me being selfish. 

"Wren, I need to find Mason to apologize to him. The reason I need to apologize is that I am selfish and blind. Whatever happened between Mason and me during the times we were searching for you, they weren't properly discussed. I need to talk to him," I finally spoke. Wren is already angry at himself for not being a better friend to Mason. I don't want him to be mad that Mason has feelings for me and I let him act upon those feelings. 

"I'm going to call his uncles," Wren said. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and dialed up a number. I stood there watching him. He had a hushed conversation asking if they had seen Mason, but his expression shows that they haven't. He hung up and dialed another number. This time it sounded like he was talking to Merida. She also hasn't seen him. She might be worried now. "No one has seen him. What should we do now?" 

I pondered on what to do, where to go, and who to talk to. I thought about Mason, what we did and where we went during the weeks we were searching. Then I remembered Granny. The strange lady seemed to know everything. "There might be someone that could help."  

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