Chapter 32 - Everything changed

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"I've met this Granny. Well, not officially. She somehow knew I was behind a barrier. She stared right at me even though she couldn't actually see me," Wren said as we left the secret room in the library and headed down the stairs. If no one knew where Mason was, and if Wren's Rumple theory was right, Granny could probably give us some type of answer. "What's her deal?" he asked.

"I'm not sure who she really is. She seems to have some type of a third eye. She could see my aura, she knew the only way we could get you out. She knows everything, somehow," I said. I opened the door to the courtyard, heading for the woods. I'm not exactly sure how to get to her house from here, I was high off some energy revival remedy. 

"Do you know how to get there?" Wren asked. I shook my head and kept walking. "So then where are we..." Wren stopped in his tracks, cutting off his question. I turned to see what he was doing. He stared blankly past me into the woods. I followed his gaze and saw two people slowly limp out of the trees. One person was supporting the other.  Once they looked up at us, they stopped walking and sighed. Wren walked past me and hurried over to Mason. And my dad.  

It was Mason. But he looked different. He looked... beat up. I put my hands to my mouth and gasped. Someone took him and beat him up. No doubt it was Rumplestiltskin. But why Mason? I stood where I stopped. Wren knelt down next to Mason who fell over after taking one step on his own. I could barely hear what they were saying. They conversed and then looked at me. I slowly walked over. Dry blood under his left nostril, his eyes purpled, one couldn't even completely open. His shirt dirty and torn, I could make out bruises on his torso. The closer I got, the harder it was for me to look at. "Mason," I stuttered. "Wha...?" 

"It was Rumplestiltskin, Greta," Robin Hood said while putting one of Mason's arms. "Mason was telling me more, thought you needed to hear, let's go sit down." They walked over to a table as I followed. 

"Robin hood," Mason coughed. I looked at Mason, taking his other side and helping him onto a bench. "He helped me." He coughed again. His throat sounded dry. I looked over at the shop counter, scouring for a bottle of water. "We don't have much time..."

"Mason, I'm going to get you some water, I'll be quick," I said and started to run toward the cafeteria. The sky quickly started to turn gray and the wind picked up. It threw my hair into my face and I tried to brush it off. I got inside the school and headed to the kitchen c

"Greta!" Wren called from a distance, but I was just at the counter. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and went back outside. My running stopped when I noticed Wren and Robin Hood coming towards me. I glanced from them to Mason just to see Mason slump down into the bench. Without yelling back to Wren, I headed for Mason, thinking maybe that's why he called after me.  The sky went black, leaving no light and I felt myself fall down next to, the water bottle fell out of my hand. I'm confused on why I felt a blanket run through me, then the air and the ground. I lost all consciousness falling into a deep sleep.

My alarm went off and I lifted my heavy sleepy arm up to grab my phone. I hit the snooze button and put my phone back down. My phone went off again but this time it wasn't my alarm, it was him. He was calling me. I smiled and picked it up right away. 

"Good morning sleepy head," He said over the phone. "It's almost noon, did you have too much fun last night?" He asked me. I chuckled sleepily and went from laying on my stomach to my back. 

"Why aren't you here next to me?" I ask. Usually, we sleep at his castle, his mom loves me. Last night though, I wasn't with him, I was with Remmington and the rest of the gang. Doing what we do best, terrorizing Grimmland. 

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