Chapter 13 - Barrier

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"See this. It's the sun carving. It's Wren!" my excitement started to build up. Everyone looked at all the different carvings. I decided to go past them, thinking that maybe if I go past them I'll be closer to Wren. Every time I took a step, I felt as if I was walking in place. I wasn't getting deeper in or farther away. I was still. "What's going on? I can't go anywhere." I took a step back only to be where I started. I can't go past the trees. Shawn put his hand out and moved it past the trees, only to see a shimmer in the sky and him pull his hand back. Invisible barrier?

"Looks like we got somewhere," Mason said examining the invisible barrier. "Probably some type of border Rumplestiltskin put up so no one could find this place. I don't know how to break it." 

"If it wasn't for Robin Hood, we wouldn't have gotten this far. What does this tell you, Mason?" I asked with a little too much attitude in my voice.

"Alright, so he got us this far. That doesn't really mean anything yet, Greta. I'm still worried that you are going to get hurt by this guy. And I'm worried-" His words were cut short when suddenly a piece of paper flew out from nowhere and hit Mason in the face. He blinked, taken aback, and looked at the paper on the ground. Slowly he picked it up and noticed it was neatly folded. He unfolded the paper and read. 

"Guys, it's me, Wren. I'm standing on the other side of the invisible border. I can hear and see you but you can't hear and see me. I have a pen and notebook. Ask me anything. Wren." 

I looked over at the empty air. Was he standing just seconds away from me? I walked a little closer, my hand starting to feel a slight burn. "I have a question," I said. "Did you carve these markings in the trees?" We waited a few seconds in silence. Soon another paper fell in front of me. I hurried to pick it up and read it out loud. 

"Who else, Gret? When Rumplestiltskin and Gothel started arguing about where to go next after they place a spell here, I carved them as fast as I could." This had to be true. All I want now is to cross the invisible barrier and hug him. How am I ever going to break the barrier and set him free? 

"We need to break down this barrier. How is he even surviving in there?" I turned to Mason and showed him the note I just read. He admitted that it did look like Wren's handwriting. Another piece of paper flew down towards us and Shawn picked it up. He read the note and then handed it to me. 

You wouldn't believe me when I said I am in THE tower. The tower my mother grew up in. I'm learning so much here. 

"Remember what I said when we were at the Ugly Duckling?" Mason asked me. I thought about that, the first time we were there was almost a week ago. It was the first time we got a step closer to finding Wren. He left a letter for me on a napkin. "I said if we are at the  ugly duckling, then that must mean the tower is near by. We came straight from Ugly Duckling." Mason was starting to believe everything. 

"I don't know if it's Wren or not, yet, Greta," He said. It was his handwriting, he did write Gret instead of Greta, when Wren is the only person in the world that calls me Gret. Mason walked closer to the barrier. "Alright, Wren, when is my birthday?" We waited in silence for a few moments. Rumplestiltskin wouldn't know when Mason's birthday unless he asked. But why would Rumple think to ask? Finally a piece of paper landed in front of him. He quickly picked it up and read. "Two weeks tomorrow." Mason turned and looked at me. "It's Wren." I smiled knowing that Wren is only a few feet away from Wren. 

"Now the only problem is the barrier between us. None of us can use magic," I sighed looking in the direction I was hoping Wren was. Mason looked at the notes while Shawn just sighed, with no words to say. Like usual. Maybe there is somebody that can use magic that we just don't know about. Maybe we could even get Queen Mal involved. All though I never really wanted to meet her. While we all stood in silence, we heard something fall on the ground. I hurried to pick up one more note from Wren. I hurried and picked it up, standing close to Mason and we read. 

I've seen many thing pass by while stuck here. You need to find Granny. She lives in the forest, I'm not sure where because I can't go far. Find her, she can help you. 

I looked over at Mason to read his face. Wondering what could he be thinking. "I've never head of this Granny. How are we supposed to find them?" He said in aggrivation. The only thing I could think of  was someone who spends most of their time in the woods. I walked over to Shawn and grabbed his wrist to look at his clock. "Well, in about an hour we are going to meet someone who knows the forest like the back of his hand." Robin Hood, my father. Mason looked at me, almost defeated that he could be wrong about Robin Hood. 

"Alright, let's head to Ugly Duckling. We can talk to Robin Hood then. But now that we are this close, we can't waste anymore time," Mason said folding up the papers and putting them in his backpack. He headed for the direction we came from with Shawn following behind. I looked back, Holding my hand up to the barrier, showing Wren that I am coming back for him. Suddenly it felt as if something was touching my hand. The back of my hand started to have a slight burn, while my tattoo started to glow. That's how I knew, it was Wren. 

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