Chapter 36 - Wren- taking it all in

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I got back to my bike after that conversation with Robin Hood. My first ever conversation with him. He Is intimidating, especially since he is Greta's father. If I found out I had a daughter 17 years later after losing contact with the mother, I'd freak out. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what to think anymore. All I know is that everyone's memory has changed from the events of the parent's day ball. Apparently, instead of kidnapping me, going in hiding, and heroes staying on the mainland, he shunned the heroes to the island, with villains still on it. Rumplestiltskin then put a magic border around Grimmland so the people of Auradon can't intervene. Then he took over. He only took heroes and royals to the island, everyone else stayed to work. The school shut down because the majority of the teachers were heroes. Villain kids that were already here, including Greta, just walk around like this is the island. I don't know what else has happened in this alternate reality. 

I turned on my bike and headed back to campus. Everything looked the same on my drive. Yet I could sense Rumple's magic. It was a bit dark. Just as I was about to arrive on campus, I noticed two people walking on the side of the road. They were laughing and carrying a bag. I just quickly glanced at them as I drove past until it registered that it was Greta and Remmington. I abruptly stop and turn to look at them. They were themselves like they were happier this way. Greta turned her head and looked at me for a few seconds before turning back to catch up with Remmington. 

'Stay away from her.' 'Don't confuse her more' Robin Hood's words rang in my head. It is going to take all of my strength to stay away from her. 

I parked my bike and headed for the cafeteria. I don't know if anyone worked there or not. I don't think any cooks were royals. But I was starving I haven't eaten all day. I got to the courtyard and some kids were eating. This looked almost normal, which means cooks are here. I went to open the door when it opened suddenly and three people stood in the doorway. 

"Well, well, well, isn't it former your highness," Yasmin cooed. She held a tray in her hands. I stepped back, not knowing how to talk to them. I never actually got the chance to meet them. "Back from trying to get into the castle?" she asked me. What did she mean by that? I looked at her a little confused. "Yeah, we hear you go to Greta's new place demanding they give it back to you." I do that? That's why the huntsman said what he did. I cleared my throat. 

"Well, it's my home, not theirs. Anyway," I was about to walk around them when Yasmin stepped in front of me. Her long lashes blinked at me. 

"If you ever get bored of getting kicked out of the castle, come find me. We have fun here now," We made eye contact for a few moments, and she had a smirk in her eyes. 

"Thanks but I'll have to decline," I stepped around them and finally got inside. I headed straight to the serving area and grabbed my tray. The cooks seemed happy to see me. I always charmed them into giving me extra food. Some kids probably went to their homes while others stayed here because their home is probably empty without their parents. They gave me a little extra without me trying. From what the kid said to me earlier, they are depending on me to do something about our situation. I definitely am going to try with Robin Hood. I don't know who else to ask. We are the only ones that know the real story.  

Instead of sitting in the courtyard or cafeteria, I went to the library. It was empty, but not untouched. I headed up to the second floor and found the old purple book that opens the secret room. I tipped the book and the door opened. I walked inside and sat down on the couch, putting my tray of food on the table in front of me. I sucked in all the air with a tired sigh. I rested my head back, closing my eyes just to see Greta smiling with Remmington while walking on the side of the street. Is she happy in this reality? If I want to save this village, will she be safe? They would talk about Rumplestiltskin and Gothel, but what about her?

Then the moment I first saw her today replayed in my head again. She smiled right at Mason. He wrapped her arm around her as I have done. They looked happy together. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked Greta when were trying to figure out where Mason was. "Did anything happen between you and Mason?" "What was your relationship like while you were with him 24/7?" Greta was quiet, uncomfortably quiet. It's like she is hiding something from me. I was them arguing outside of the invisible barrier before they found me. As if Mason was trying to tell Greta his feelings. "When you first stumbled across the barrier, you guys were arguing. It sounded almost as if Mason was confessing to you. What happened?" She didn't even look me in the eye. I just can't figure out her feelings. Was she losing her feelings for me? 

Was I in their way of something? I feel like Rumplestiltskin knew how to pain me. Why would he do something for Mason's benefit? I looked around the room and glanced over by the window. I could just see the moment Greta came inside here for the first time. She limped over to me so quickly, I didn't have a chance to say hello before she slapped me across. It was very painful, she's got some strength in her. Then she kissed me. The last time she kissed me, the spark I felt was even stronger that time. Maybe because our energy needed to recharge, but also a long-awaited kiss. 

I looked down at the tattoo on my hand. I wonder if Greta still has her, there is no way Rumplestiltskin could have taken it away from her, it's impossible. That's why he's looking for the flower or was looking. I don't know how much has changed with his plans. I'm probably going to be low on energy while being away from Greta, there must be a way I can get close to her. If she still had power, she'll feel it too. 

I finished my dinner and took the tray back to the cafeteria. I thanked the cooks for the dinner and headed upstairs to my room. I still need to get used to the graffiti on the walls. I assume it's all from Yasmin and her friends. I doubt anyone from Grimmland would even think to do this to the school. Long Live Evil was down the hallway that lead to my dorm room. I'm not going to get used to opening the door and not having Mason's stuff. Did something happen between him and me? I haven't heard from him all day. He didn't even look at me this morning too. He walked right past me. I know we weren't on great terms before the curse, but would Rumplestiltskin play with that and make us hate each other? I could never hurt Mason, he's my best friend. 

I put my key in the doorknob and twisted the lock. I turned the knob, walked through the door, and shut it behind me. I turned around to arms wrapping around my shoulders and lips being planted on mine. My eyes widened and my arms held out, hesitating on if I should push this person away from me or hold them. Finally, the person unattached my lips and stood in front of me. Marielle.   

"I've been waiting for thirty minutes for you," she said with a whine. How? What? Why? I was too stunned to speak or move. "I went to the cafeteria to find you but you weren't there." She looked at me with a ridiculous grin on her face. The past few weeks, I saw Marielle's true colors when she flared up at Greta. I am sure I never realized she had feelings for me. She was so upset with Greta for being with me, she yelled at her in front of the school, challenged her to a duel, and despite what Mason told me, shoved Greta down a hill. Now she's in my room, kissing me. I thought I was over my head pounding but now it is back. 

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