Chapter 23- Check your facts

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One more day until I have to go on the stupid camping trip to an old arena for swordsmanship. I've tried my hardest this week not to get paired with Wren, I mostly would grab Mason to pair with me, but that would make Wren glare at us even more. For someone who says he has no interest in me anymore, some days he just can't look away. And I hate it, making my heart flutter and my mind go in every direction. Mason tells me Wren won't even tell him what happened that made him change his mind but he's going to figure it out. I should really take my focus off Wren on whatever Rumplestiltskin is planning. I just wanted to forget about them for a moment, wherever they are, whatever they are planning, I don't want to be a part of it anymore. But I know sooner or later I'm going to be sucked right back in. I was hoping before that time I would be able to fill it all with friends and Wren, but now I'm not getting any Wren time and I feel like I'll darken the mood if I hang out with my friends. Outside of class, I am usually inside the library reading up on different creatures and interesting facts about them. There wasn't much about mermaids but after that short encounter with Marielle, I thought about there could be a possibility she would be a mermaid as well. 

There are two different types of mermaids, a water spirit and a siren. Ariel is most likely a water spirit, they use their voices for charming and soothing souls. Sirens use their voices to drown and wreak havoc. Sometimes there are possibilities a siren could be born from water spirits. Random fact or warning the book gave but I keep thinking about it. 

I didn't realize on the first day of classes that Marielle was also in the swordsmanship class but she's been hanging onto Wren like a puppy. To me, it seems that Wren tried to run away without hurting her feelings but fails miserably. Makes me feel a little better to see him struggle. But I can't help but feel a bit of jealousy when she latches onto him. I've never wrapped my arms around his and walked with him the way she does. I hated that she was seeking all his attention. A few weeks ago he snuck backstage, ignored the stage crew telling him he wasn't allowed and came straight to me bringing me into one of the best kisses we shared with each other. Thinking about that moment I could feel my cheeks warming to a blush. 

"Earth to Greta," a snarky voice said in a muffle. I blinked and noticed my surroundings. Sitting at our usual table for lunch I was repeatedly stabbing my salad with a fork. "You've been stabbing the same lettuce for five minutes it's turning into mush." Yasmin laughed. I put my fork down and grabbed my water bottle. "Anyway, so this school is full of a bunch of goodies. But this one guy has kind of caught my attention. He's in my literature class, which did you know literature goes back thousands of years and not just like 100s?" She kept talking everyone's ears off while I swallowed my water gone. "So who cares about literature, this guy--" 

A plate with chocolate cupcakes with teal frosting in the shape of seashells was placed next to me. Everyone looked at the plate and then up at Marielle who was smiling at me. "Hey Greta, I've noticed a few months ago that you like chocolate so I decided to give you some cupcakes that I made last night. I even made the frosting too." She giggled. This was random and I could just feel like this came with a catch. I crossed my legs and looked up at her. 

"Thanks, I guess, why?" I asked her. She had a look in her eyes that didn't match the rest of her expression. The rest of my friends also put down their utensils. 

"Well, I figured you might need something sweet and chocolatey. I mean after the fact that your mother helped kidnap Wren for who knows why. I know Wren is a charm but if he rejected you, you should have just moved on instead of trapping him away and fake rescuing him. It must be hard seeing him in love with someone else. So I give you these cupcakes as a peace offering," Marielle said with her hands behind her back trying to look innocent. Those words coming out of her mouth were the complete opposite. I couldn't believe she used my mother's actions against me. Everyone on the table gasped at her remarks. 

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