Chapter 20- We were nothing

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After we quietly got back to the village, news about Wren's return was already the buzz. This time they thanked me, Mason, Remington, and Hanna for his rescue, instead of people walking to the other side of the street to avoid me, they apologize and thank me. It was weird, people were actually acknowledging me. It was tiring so I begged Hanna to go back to the dorms. Tomorrow everyone comes back from break and more kids from the Cursed Island come over to go to school. I don't know who, but they are probably going to cause more trouble than me. All I could think about is why Wren walked away from me. There has to be a reason. Just yesterday he was sending notes hoping to reach out to me, now he is acting like he has nothing to do with me. 

After he left, Robin Hood interrogated the men that tried to distract us before I healed them. I started to feel weak so thankfully he only shot two people. When we got to our dorm room, I went straight to my usual spot and stared out the window. I could tell Hanna kept looking over to me. 

"Just say something," I said without taking my eyes from the window. She crept up the stairs and sat next to me. 

"He was stuck up there for so long so it's possible he just wants his own room, his parents, and familiarity," she tried to comfort me. She could be right. He could just want his own room, a shower, maybe some real food. Who knows how he survived mostly by himself. He looked weak. But he didn't look at me. "I know that doesn't really explain why he completely ignored you, but wait until tomorrow. Maybe once he settles back in, he'll come to explain to you." She tapped my knee then went back down to her desk. 

I wish I know what was going on, but I should just stay here tonight. I left Mason without saying goodbye, Robin Hood walked me all the way here. 

"What did I tell you, kid? You are a villain kid, no changing that. These people here may act all nice and forgiving, but they hold a grudge deeper than villains do. Trust me I know," Robin Hood lectured me all the way home. 

Maybe he was right. It just doesn't make sense, yesterday he was eager for us to figure out how to let him out. And that he had hope in me. I felt that our hands touched through the barrier. But now he is ignoring everyone. After a few minutes, exhaust swept through my body, and laid down and rest. Tomorrow maybe I'll find him again to talk to him. 

I woke up to Hanna getting ready in the morning. She came up the stairs to check on me. "They asked for us to greet the kids coming from Cursed Island. Only three kids are coming, Yasmin, Jordan, and Miranda. Don't you want to come?" Yasmin, daughter of Yzma is a bit of an attention seeker. She has light purple short hair and long eyelashes. She doesn't like me, I think she's jealous of my long hair. I only think that because I overheard her talking to someone that she wants hair like mine but she doesn't like me. Jordan is the son of Prince John, who tried to stop King Arthur. I don't know much about him he keeps to himself. Then Miranda, daughter of Madam Mim. She doesn't cause any trouble just sits in the background. 

"I heard Wren is going to be there, to show that they are forgiving and don't blame the kids for anything. It can give you a chance to talk to him." I thought about it. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I should show up for the kids, not for him. "Come on, G let's go together. I'll even let you stand next to Remington." I sat up and rolled my eyes at her.

"You are letting me stand by my best friend! Wow I feel so honored," I cheered with sarcasm. I climbed out of my bed and went to change, putting on black and white plaid pants and a red long sleeve cropped top. I buckled my chain belt and put on platform high top shoes and made sure my hair was curled. Hanna took longer than me to get ready and we hurried out the door. She locked her arm with mine and we walked to the docks. Why is she being so close to me? Is it because she told me things about her that no one else knows?

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