Chapter 2

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Gandhi said: "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it treats animals»This nation is worthless and has no values. It makes me sick.


Louis' pov


«Stop it.»

«I'll only stop if you tell me what's going to happen.»

«I already told you. Nothing.»

«Who are you?»

«It doesn't matter.»

«You know who I am. I don't have the faintest idea who you are. It's not fair.»

«I never asked you to communicate with me.»

«Then why did you ask about this?»


«You just don't answer? I can see that you are not logged out of the network.»

«Out.» (note: in Russian you can distinguish the feminine pronouns from the masculine ones)

«So you're a guy.»


"Louis?" I'm rereading the brief correspondence with Anonymous, which happened four days ago. Then I didn't have time to answer anything, as he left the site. But at least now I know it's a guy. "Louis" he answered me for the second time, and then immediately disappeared, again. I just sent him a countdown of days, "62."  I jump up and abruptly close my Mac before looking up at Eleanor, who, by the way, looks very annoyed.


"I've been talking to you for five minutes, but you don't seem to care!"

I don't think I should answer, because she won't like the answer. I don't even know why I'm sitting with her right now. Although she had some pretty good arguments in the club's bathroom last week. Or maybe her mouth and tongue had good arguments. I put my computer in my bag and finally grab my hamburger, sighing heavily.

"Is that all you eat?"  I can't help but ask, looking at the three pieces of raw carrots on her plate.

"Yes" she shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, you two," Liam drops into the next seat, giving me a friendly shove on the shoulder. "Wow, don't choke on it" He points to Eleanor's plate, and I take a quick bite of my hamburger to keep from laughing. "Are you on a diet?"

"No, I'm watching my figure."

"What are you watching? How to lose your bones?" and then it gets stronger than me, I can't help looking at her surprised face, and I start laughing hysterically. I cough softly and, to pass myself off as a gentleman, decide to intervene.

"Okay, Liam, leave her alone" as it turned out, the huge smile on my face gave me away, and my best friend decided to change the subject. He hands me another invitation.

"This is going to be the party of the century!"  I look at the paper before answering.

"I can't go on the weekend, I have to go to my parents."

"Hey, no! You can't do this to me, move it to another day."

"No, Liam. You know my father, and this weekend he wants to play golf, like a father and son thing." He'll nag me all my life if I don't come.

He doesn't insist, after all, his parents are just like mines. Our fathers are partners, best friends, and both are complete bastards. Liam knows what will happen to me if I don't go.

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