Chapter 36

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Louis' pov


"That is known only to God, and it does not matter to me: the hour of my real death has already come, and what follows concerns not me, but another. Now, putting down my pen, I will seal my confession, and this will end the life of the ill-fated Henry Jekyll."

I close the book before looking up at the inscription with his name on the tombstone. At him.

"Well, Harry, I've finished reading the book. I couldn't leave without completing it. I hope you heard the end. I never thought this story would end like this. I didn't think of us. When you put an end to your life, you did the same for mine. I tried to live without you, I really tried, for 100 days I searched my heart for a thousand and one reasons to stay. And I couldn't find it. You know, before I met you, I used to bully couples in love all the time. I thought it was impossible to love a person more than yourself. I was wrong. I loved you more than I ever loved myself. I loved you more than my life. You were the center of my universe, my reason for living. I lived for you.

You made me a better person, you showed me what real life is, with its ups and downs. You taught me how to live. You gave me a family. I can't thank you enough for everything you've given me. You taught me to dream, Harry. You were my future, I wanted to die with you. I blame myself, you know? I believe I couldn't prove to you how important you were to me. Maybe if I proved it to you, you'd still be here. Maybe you'd understand that I could never live without you. You're my half, we can't live without our half. The void has become so big that I can't take it anymore. I would like to give you a beautiful speech, but I don't have the strength. I lived 100 days, I did it for you. I think that was the last tribute I wanted to do for you. It all started with counting, and it will all end with counting."

In one hand I hold a book, and with the other I pick up a flower from the ground, which I brought on arrival.

"I brought you a white rose. I don't know what the point is, but when I saw her in the garden this morning, I immediately thought of you. You were too pure for this world, Harry, just as fragile. Will you wait for me? I'm terrified, but I know you'll be there. You'll be waiting."

I put a rose in among all the other flowers that cover his grave.

"I'll see you soon, my love."

I whisper, gently stroking the marble that bears his name, before getting up and leaving the cemetery.


I park on the opposite side. This time I'm not afraid to cross the road. I know that on the other side there will be an end to my suffering and torment. Every step I take brings me closer to him. This flaw that I feel will soon be extinguished. I do not know if there is a heaven, but even hell is better than life without him.

«Don't jump, I love you.»

The inscription is still there, no one has erased it. I put my hands on either side. I'm starting to climb. I'm not afraid to lose my balance, I'm not afraid to fall. I've already fallen. The day he left.

As I stand on the bridge, I hear the hum of cars behind me. I close my eyes and hold out my hands. I'm not afraid anymore.

"I know you're there."

I know, I know that somewhere out there, he's waiting for me. My life here is over. I let myself fall into a void of happiness and peace, I'm going to find it. We will finally be reunited to be together forever.


«Love is eternal, because when we die, we still experience it. It's our souls that love, not our bodies.» - Victor Hugo.

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