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«19. You still don't want to talk?»

«No... But I don't want to be alone.»

«Then I'll stay with you.»

«Thank you.»

«And you don't have to say anything, I can do it for two.»


«Of course. Wait, I have an idea! [ ... ] Do you see me?»

«No, the picture is smeared.»

«And so?»

«Fix the webcam. I can see your wall.»

«Is everything okay now?»

«Yes. I see you. What are those books on the shelf?»

«Comics. I used to play this game with Liam when we were kids. We took a book, changed all the dialogues, changed the story. So, Spider-Man or Superman?»


«Excellent choice. Let's get started! (I'm sorry if I don't have enough imagination, the last time I did it was when I was 12.)»


Sometimes we feel empty and sad, not really knowing why. There is no definite reason. We just feel bad-that's all.

That evening, Anonymous felt bad and sad. He didn't want to talk, and he didn't want to be alone.

Louis stayed with him. He showed him every page of the book, every picture.

"Spider-Man drove a Batmobile. He married a Catwoman. Lois Lane was crushed by an elephant. The alien didn't belong there, he came home in a Ferrari. He left the Capitol and went to live in Paris to eat croissants. Lex was his best friend. There was also Megan, but she was only there because she is a very beautiful actress. He saved the world seven times."

Lying on his bed, Anonymous listened to a meaningless story. He skipped the pictures a couple of times and often wondered what the Alien was doing there.

But it didn't matter.

In the end, the superhero fell asleep with a book on his stomach, not knowing that on the other side of the screen someone was looking at him for several hours, thereby feeling at least a little happier. Feeling less lonely for the first time.

It wasn't just Superman who saved the world that night.

Because we all need a superhero, even without superpowers.

The Anonymous' superhero is a simple law student.

«Sweet dreams, Louis.»

The Degradation (translation)Where stories live. Discover now