1.3| a chaser and a seeker

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1.3| a chaser and a seeker

"Don't you get tired of eating chocolate?" Harry asked Alex who was eating chocolate for breakfast in the great hall.

"A bit hypocritical of you, I think" Alex said, her eyebrow raised. Harry groaned.

"I di—"

"Harry," Ron said, trying not to laugh at the two of them. "Just leave it mate. Don't argue with her about chocolate. You'll lose"

The Great Hall was mostly empty as everyone was leaving for thei first class of the term. "C'mon, we'll be late for our first class. It's transfiguration!" Alex said, getting up and grabbing her satchel. 

"Oh, I'll just wait for Harry" he said gesturing the the black haired boy who was still not done with breakfast. Alex shrugged, but nodded nonetheless. 

"Alright, wait for your new friend, I'll just go and find Cepheus"


After instructing the class to do the work that she gave, McGonagall sat on top of her desk in her animagus form—a cat. The class was pin drop silent, as the tabby cat watched them with stern eyes. 

Everyone was present except a certain chosen one and his redhead friend. 

"We made it!" Ron panted as he entered the class late with Harry. Alex rolled her eyes at them. "Can't you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Alex looked at Cepheus, trying not to burst out laughing as Professor McGonagall transformed back into her human form, shocking the late comers.

"That was bloody brilliant!" 

"Thank you for the assessment Mr Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure you or Mr Potter into a pocket watch, maybe one of you would be on time" she said sternly.

"We got lost" Harry tried to justify.

"Perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats" They took a seat behind the one where Alex and Cepheus were sitting.

"We lost out map!" 

"I bet you'd still get lost if you used a map"


After their transfigurations class, they had potions. And Alex and Cepheus were the ones to get lost this time. But at least both of them arrived before Professor Snape could. When they entered the class the Only two seats left were beside Crabbe and Goyle, two of Malfoy's 'friends' (Alex would say Crabbe and Goyle are more like his bodyguards) and Harry and Ron Cepheus and her exchanged a look.

"I'll take the one with Crabbe" Cepheus sighed. 

"Thanks Cepheus, I owe you one" she said in relief and he smiled at her. She would much rather sit with Potter than with Crabbe. And besides Ron was also there.

"Looks like someone got lost" Harry said, Alex rolled her eyes ignoring him. "You could've used a map, maybe?"

"Oh shut up" she said, taking out her potions book. 

"Why? You laughed at me when I was late"

"And? It's not my mistake that you're too dumb to use a map" Before they could countinue to argue, thankfully Snape entered the classroom. With a wave of his wand he closed all the windows so that no light could enter inside.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class, as such. I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potions science. However for those selected few, who possess the predisposition" he said and Harry began taking notes word to word what he said, while Alex rolled her eyes at him, it came naturally to her, to just roll her eyes at him, no matter what he does. 

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