3.12| turning back time

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3.12| turning back time

"Come on, Harry" Alex said. "Quick" Harry did as she told. She threw the gold chain around their necks. She started turning the hourglass three times, slapping Harry's hand away lightly when he tried to touch it. The dark ward dissolved. A blur of colors and shapes rushed past her, her ears were pounding. Then-finally, solid ground appeared below them. They were standing in the deserted entrance hall, a stream of golden sunlight
was falling across the paved floor from the open front doors.

"Come on" Alex said and grabbed Harry's hand and led him across the hall to the door of a broom closet; she opened it, pushed him inside among the buckets and mops, then slammed the door behind them. They were standing really close-so close that Alex could feel Harry's breathe.

"What—what is happening?"

"We've gone back in time" Alex whispered, lifting the chain off Harry's neck in the darkness. "Three hours back"


"Shh! Listen! Someone's coming! I think- I think it might be us!" Alex had her ear pressed against the cupboard door. "Footsteps across the hall... yes, I think it's us going down to Hagrid's!"

"Are you telling me" Harry whispered, "that we're here in this cupboard and we're out there too?"

"Yes" said Alex, her ear still glued to the cupboard door. "I'm sure it's us. It doesn't sound like more than four people... and we're walking slowly because we're under the Invisibility Cloak- " She broke off, still listening intently. "We've gone down the front steps..." Alex turned to look at Harry, their faces inches away from each other.

"Where did Hermione get that hourglass thing?"

"It's called a time turner" Alex said. "Professor McGonagall gave it to Hermione on the first day. This is how she has been going to her classes"

"That makes a lot of sense"

"Doesn't sound like anyone is here" Alex said, her ear pressed against the cupboard door once again. "Let's go"

"How are we supposed to save Sirius?" Harry asked as they went outside. Alex stopped dead in tracks. They haven't really thought of it.

"Dumbledore said we could save more than one lives. That means we could also save buckbeak" Alex said. "But about dad—"

"Dumbledore said-he just told us where the window is- the window of Flitwick's office! Where they've got Sirius locked up! We've got to fly Buckbeak up to the window and rescue Sirius! Sirius can escape on Buckbeak- they can escape together!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Alex grinned. The entrance hall was deserted. As quietly and quickly as they could, they darted out of the closet and down the stone steps. The shadows were already lengthening, the tops of the trees in the Forbidden Forest gilded once more with gold.

"We'll have to make a run for it, so that no one will see us" Alex said. "Let's go straight into the forest-hide behind a tree or something and keep a lookout" she said and Harry nodded. Still working out what she meant, Harry set off at a sprint, Alex behind him. They tore across the vegetable gardens to the greenhouses, paused for a moment behind them, then set off again, fast as they could, skirting around the Whomping Willow, tearing toward the shelter of the forest. Safe in the shadows of the trees, Harry turned around; seconds later, Alex arrived beside him, panting.

"We need to go to Hagrid's" Alex breathed out. "Keep out of the sight" They made their way silently through the trees, keeping to the very edge of the forest. Then, as they glimpsed the front of Hagrid's house, they heard a knock upon his door. They moved quickly behind a wide oak trunk and peered out from either side. Hagrid had appeared in his doorway, shaking and white, looking around to see who had knocked. And then Alex heard Harry's voice.

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