4.13| this night is sparkling

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4.13| this night is sparkling

Despite the very heavy load of homework that the fourth years had been given for the holidays, Alex was in no mood to work when term ended. Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin, while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost. The house-elves down in the kitchen were outdoing themselves with a series of rich, warming stews and savory puddings, and only Fleur Delacour seemed to be able to find anything to complain about.

"It is too 'eavy, all zis 'Ogwarts food" they heard her saying grumpily as they left the Great Hall behind her one evening (Ron skulking behind Harry, keen not to be spotted by Fleur). "I will not fit into my dress robes!"

"Oooh there's a tragedy" Hermione snapped as Fleur went out into the entrance hall. "She really thinks a lot of herself, that one, doesn't she?"

Harry had tried talking to Alex and stir up a conversation countless times, and she just seemed to reply in very short and quick sentences. He had tried asking her questions which would lead into an engaging conversation but she outsmarted him every time.

"Hermione- who are you going to the ball with?" said Ron. He kept springing this question on her, hoping to startle her into a response by asking it when she least expected it. However, Hermione merely frowned and said,

"I'm not telling you, you'll just make fun of me"

"You're joking, Weasley!" said Malfoy, behind them. "You're not telling me someone's asked that to the ball? Not the long-molared Mudblood?"

"Shut the f-" Alex started as Harry and Ron both whipped around, but Hermione stopped her.

"Hello, Professor Moody!" Malfoy went pale and jumped backward, looking wildly around for Moody, but he was still up at the staff table, finishing his stew. "Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?" said Hermione scathingly, and she, Alex, Harry, and Ron went up the marble staircase laughing heartily.

"Hermione" said Ron, looking sideways at her, suddenly frowning, "your teeth"

"What about them?" she said.

"Well, they're different. I've just noticed"

"Took you long enough" Alex said.

"Of course they are - did you expect me to keep those fangs Malfoy gave me?"

"No, I mean, they're different to how they were before he put that hex on you. They're all-straight and - and normal-sized" Hermione and Alex shared a mischievous grin.

"Well, when I went up to Madam Pomfrey to get them shrunk, she held up a mirror and told me to stop her when they were back to how they normally were" she said. "And I just let her carry on a bit" She smiled even more widely. "Mum and Dad won't be too pleased. I've been trying to persuade them to let me shrink them for ages, but they wanted me to carry on with my braces. You know, they're dentists, they just don't think teeth and magic should - look! Pigwidgeon's back!"

Ron's tiny owl was twittering madly on the top of the icicle-laden banisters, a scroll of parchment tied to his leg. People passing him were pointing and laughing, and a group of third-year girls paused and said, "Oh look at the weeny owl! Isn't he cute?"

"Stupid little feathery git!" Ron hissed, hurrying up the stairs and snatching up Pigwidgeon. "You bring letters to the address! You don't hang around showing off!" Pigwidgeon hooted happily, his head protruding over Ron's fist. The third-year girls all looked very shocked. "Clear off!" Ron snapped at them, waving the fist holding Pigwidgeon, who hooted more happily than ever as he soared through the air. "Here - take it" he handed it to Alex, who pocketed it and the four of them rushed to the Gryffindor tower to read it.

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