1.5| setting teachers on fire sounds fun

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1.5| setting teachers on fire sounds fun

Alex watched as Harry fidgeted with his breakfast. It had been 20 minutes and he had barely eaten two and a half bites. She wasn't surprised, it was their first Quidditch match. She had played Quidditch matches many times and even won. But she had never played it seriously, with an actual team, with actual people against you who weren't your friends. The match was against Slytherin, which made it worse. Slytherins are cunning, ambitious and determined people. And they were damn good at quidditch too.

"Eat your breakfast Harry" Ron said. Harry shook his head and kept his fork down.

"I'm not hungry"

"Good luck today Potter" Snape said, appearing next to them near the Gryffindor table. "Then again, now that you've proven yourselves against a troll, a little game of Quidditch would be easy for you...even if it's against Slytherin" and he disappeared towards the teachers table, limping.

"That explains the blood" Harry said.

"Blood?" Hermione asked.

"Last night, I think Snape was the one to let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past the three headed dog, but he failed of course that's why he's limping, because he got himself bitten"

"Why would he go near that dog?" Alex asked.

"The day I was in gringotts, Hagrid took something out of his vault. He said it was Hogwarts business very secret"

"So you're saying…"

"That's what the dog is guarding!" Alex exclaimed. But before any of them could say something, two owls left two packages in front of Alex and Harry.

"Bit early for mail isn't it?" Hermione asked.

"But I never get mails" Harry said.

"Let's open it!" Ron said. When they opened it, revealing broomsticks inside.

"Broomsticks?" Harry asked in confusion. 

"They're not just broomsticks, they're Nimbus 2000!" Ron exclaimed. Who would give them something so expensive? Harry had no family who would gift it to him and Remus couldn't afford a nimbus 2000 either for Alex.

"But who?—" Harry wondered, and Alex handed him a note attached to the broom.

"It's from Professor McGonagall!" She gasped.


Scared?" Oliver Wood asked the two first years, before the Quidditch match.

"A little" Alex answered.

"That's all right, I felt the same way before my first game"

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I don't remember, I took a bludger to the head two minutes in the game, woke up I'm the hospital wing a week later"

"Thankyou Oliver, that was really inspiring" Alex muttered, feeling her confidence drain.

"Welcome to Hogwarts first ever Quidditch match of the season" Lee Jordan exclaimed. "Today's game, Slytherin Versus Gryffindor! Also I would like to introduce our two youngest Quidditch players, Alexandria Black and Harry Potter taking the place of the new Gryffindor chaser and Gryffindor Seeker respectively" he said as the players took their positions.

"Now I want a fair game from you all" Madam Hooch said and blew her whistle and everyone took off. When the balls were released Alex zoomed quickly towards the quaffle before anyone else could.

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