1.4| battling a literal mountain troll

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1.4| battling a literal mountain troll

"I'm telling you, it's spooky" Ron whispered to Harry, so that Alex and Hermione couldn't hear him. "She knows more about you and Alex than either of you do"

"Who doesn't?" Harry said

"Honestly Ron, I could hear you! That's so rude, she didn't do anything wrong!" Alex said, walking up to the two of them. But before Ron could say anything the staircases started to move, making Ron screech, Alex gripped the thing closest to her so she wouldn't fall, it was Harry's arm and a railing.

"What's happening?" Harry said, clinging into Alex's arm, because she was the closest to him, so he wouldn't fall. 

"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione said, completely calm.

"Let's go this way!" Harry said, leading the way to a dimly lit corridor.

"Before the staircases move again" Ron added.

The corridor changed and they walked into a room with no light, gloomy and dark. It felt like they shouldn't be there. It felt wrong and just a feeling in their gut telling them to go away.

"Does anyone else get a feeling that we aren't supposed to be here?" Ron asked, confused.

"Because we aren't, it's the third floor corridor" Hermione said, in a matter of fact tone.

"We should leave, now!" Alex said, but before they could leave, before she could, she heard a meow. Looking around she found Filch's cat looking at them, as if she knew they're in trouble.

"If it's Filch's cat which means he must be here somewhere too" Ron said.

"Run!" Harry said, and they all began to run towards the opposite direction, towards another door.

"It's locked!" Ron says, trying to break the lock.

"Oh move over" Hermione said. "Alohomora" And the door swings open and all of them get inside, and they swung the door back, shut.

"Lumos" Alex mutters under her breath, and a good amount of light shined through her wand, good enough so that they can see what was around them.

"I think Filch isn't here anymore" Ron says, his ear pressed against the door, he looked up to look at the rest and something caught his eyes. He stands there, his jaw on the floor, staring at the huge creature in front of him, frozen with fear. He looked to his right and saw Harry also looking at it.

"Alex" He whispers, his voice cracking because of fright. Alex looked at him, confused until she followed his gaze. Hermione finally looks over at where they were looking at too, a scream left her mouth in no time. Unlocking the door that she locked while also keeping an eye on the creature, she ran as soon as the door flew open. Ron followed behind. Harry ran following Ron but stopped when he noticed that Alex wasn't coming, running back to the room, he saw her standing there, too stunned to move. He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her along with her. And the last thing she saw was the dog growling. He dragged her along with him, following the two other Gryffindors back to the common room.

"Are you out of your mind?" Harry asked Alex, following behind the other two Gryffindors. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I got scared by a giant beast with three heads, which was like fifteen times bigger than me!"


"What do you think they're doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school? '' Ron panted, when They reached the common room. 

"You don't use your eyes do you?" Hermione said. "Didn't you see it was standing on something"

"I wasn't looking at its feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its heads, or if you didn't noticed there were three!" 

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