4.15| fret and feuds

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4.15| fret and feuds

When Alex Reached the bathroom, looking around the humongous chamber made her wish she would be a prefect. It was softly lit by a splendid candle-filled chandelier, and everything was made of white marble, including what looked like a rectangular swimming pool sunk into the middle of the floor, filled with water with huge bubbles. About a hundred golden taps stood all around the pool’s edges, each with a differently colored jewel set into its handle. There was also a diving board. Long white linen curtains hung at the windows; a large pile of fluffy white towels sat in a corner, and there was a single gold framed painting on the wall. It featured a blonde mermaid who was fast asleep on a rock, her long hair over her face. It fluttered every time she snored. Then she noticed (a very red!) Harry, inside the huge pool with his egg, his clothes lying outside the pool. "Don't tell me you aren't wearing clothes—" she said, looking away, her eyes wide.

"I—" his voice echoed. "I didn't think this through" he had swallowed a considerable amount of bubbled in shock.

"You never do" she said, looking anywhere but at him. "Did you figure anything out?"

"No, it just wails—"

“I’d try putting it in the water, if I were you" a voice said, In shock He stood up, sputtering, and saw the ghost of a very glum-looking girl sitting cross-legged on top of one of the taps. It was Moaning Myrtle.

“Myrtle!” Harry said in outrage, “I’m — I’m not wearing anything!”

“I closed my eyes when you got in” she said, blinking at him through her thick spectacles. “You haven’t been to see me for ages"

“Yeah— well—" said Harry, bending his knees slightly, just to make absolutely sure Myrtle couldn’t see anything but his head, “I’m not supposed to come into your bathroom, am I? It’s a girls’ one”

“You didn’t use to care” said Myrtle miserably. “You used to be in there all the time"

"Do not laugh" he told Alex, who was snickering, looking around at the magnificent chamber.

“Well— anyway— I’d try the egg in the
water. That’s what Cedric Diggory did”

“Have you been spying on him too?” Alex said, exasperated.

“What d’you do, sneak up here in the evenings to watch the prefects take baths?”

“Sometimes” said Myrtle, rather slyly, “but I’ve never come out to speak to anyone before"

“I’m honored” said Harry darkly. “You keep your eyes shut!”

"Wait" Alex said. "I wanna get in too. Just put some clothes on for Godric's sake!"

"Alright" he said, getting out and putting on his clothes. "C'mon now" he said, getting inside once again. She finally gazed at him and removed her robe—putting the marauders map down and removing her shoes, she too got inside with her egg. Both of them shared a look before lowering their eggs down into the water. And for the first time when they opened it—there wasn't any wailing. A gurgling song was coming out of it, something they couldn't understand. And before Harry knew it, Alex was taking a deep breath and sliding under the surface. He too followed her. And sitting on the marble bottom of the bubble-filled bath they hear a chorus of eerie voices singing from the egg;

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you’re searching ponder this:
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss,
An hour long you’ll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect’s black,
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back"

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